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九州大学大学院工学研究院 都市システム工学講座 教授
九州大学都市研究センター長 & 主幹教授
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国連「新国富報告書2018」代表、国連「気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)」代表執筆者、国連「生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関する政府間科学政策プラットフォーム」(IPBES)統括代表執筆者、 OECD(経済協力開発機構 貿易・環境部会)副議長、2018年・世界環境資源経済学会共同議長、ドイツ・The Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS特別教授、英国・リーズ大学チェーニー上級フェロー、豪州QUT客員教授、仏・ISEGマネジメントスクール客員教授、慶應義塾大学特別招聘助教授、東京大学客員教授などを歴任。


arrow Lundgren, T., M. Bostian, and S. Managi. (Eds.) 2024. "Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, 2e" Elsevier, USA.

arrow United Nations Environment Programme (2024). Inclusive Wealth Africa 2024: Moving beyond GDP, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.

arrow United Nations Environment Programme (2023). "Inclusive Wealth Report 2023: Measuring Sustainability and Equity" United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. (Report Director)

arrow UNEP. 2022. "Inclusive Wealth Report 2022 Executive Summary" United Nations Environment Programme, Washington D.C., USA. (Report Director)

arrow Hotta, Y., T. Tasaki and S. Managi, S. (Eds.) 2022. " Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns: Policy Design and Evaluation." MDPI Books, Basel, Switzerland.

arrow Managi, S. (Eds.) 2019. "Wealth, Inclusive Growth and Sustainability." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Behling, N., T. Behling, M. Williams, and Managi, S. 2019. " Japan’s Quest for Nuclear Energy and the Price It Paid: Accidents, Consequences, and Lessons Learned for the Global Nuclear Industry." Elsevier, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. and P. Kumar. 2018. "Inclusive Wealth Report 2018: Measuring Progress toward Sustainability." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. (Eds.) 2016. "The Wealth of Nations and Regions." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S., and K. Kuriyama. 2016. "Environmental Economics." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. (Eds.) 2015. "The Economics of Green Growth -New Indicators for Sustainable Societies." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. (Eds.) 2015. "Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. (Eds.) 2012. "The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. 2011. "Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Improving the Environment for a Greener Future." Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK.

arrow Shinkuma, T. and Managi, S. 2011. "Waste and Recycling." Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S. and Kaneko, S. 2010. "Chinese Economic Development and Environment." Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK.
-book reviewed by Bryan Tilt, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2010, 28 (3): 568- 569; Jing Cao, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 2010. 12 (3): 335-337.; Zhongxiang Zhang, The China Journal 66: 217-218, 2011.; Lisa Peterskovsky, The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, 111-112, 119, 2011.; Herb Thompson, Journal: Journal of Contemporary Asia, 41 (2): 342-344. 2011.(In total 5 reviews)

arrow Kumar, S. and Managi, S. 2009. “The Economics of Sustainable Development: The Case of India.” Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. (also reprinted in paperback in 2009)
-book reviewed by Etsuyo Michida, The Developing Economies 49, no. 1 (March 2011): 113-18.

arrow Managi, S. 2008. "Technological Change and Environmental Policy: A Study of Depletion in the Oil and Gas Industry." Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK.


arrow 鶴見哲也, 藤井秀道, 馬奈木俊介『幸福の測定―ウェルビーイングを理解する』中央経済社,2021年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『ESG経営の実践 新国富指標による非財務価値の評価』事業構想大学院大学出版部,2021年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『AIは社会を豊かにするのか』ミネルヴァ書房,2021年

arrow 馬奈木俊介・中村寛樹・松永千晶『持続可能なまちづくり―データで見る豊かさ』中央経済社,2019年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『エネルギーの未来-脱・炭素エネルギーに向けて-』中央経済社,2019年

arrow 村上周三, 遠藤健太郎, 藤野純一, 佐藤真久, 馬奈木俊介, 事業構想大学院大学(編著)『SDGsの実践 ~自治体・地域活性化編~』宣伝会議,2019年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『人工知能の経済学―暮らし・働き方・社会はどう変わるのか―』ミネルヴァ書房,2018年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『豊かさの価値評価―新国富指標の構築』中央経済社,2017年

arrow 馬奈木俊介,池田真也,中村寛樹『新国富論――新たな経済指標で地方創生』岩波書店,2016年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『原発事故後のエネルギー供給からみる日本経済:東日本大震災はいかなる影響をもたらしたのか』ミネルヴァ書房,2016年

arrow 亀山康子,馬奈木俊介(編著)『資源を未来につなぐ』岩波書店,2015年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『農林水産の経済学』中央経済社,2015年
- 書評(永濱利廣氏) 2015/10/12日経ビジネス, 2015/10/18日本農業新聞

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『エネルギー経済学』中央経済社,2014年

arrow 馬奈木俊介・地球環境戦略研究機関(編著)『グリーン成長の経済学 持続可能社会の新しい経済指標』昭和堂,2013年

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『環境・エネルギー・資源戦略: 新たな成長分野を切り拓く』日本評論社,2013年

arrow 馬奈木俊介『環境と効率の経済分析―包括的生産性アプローチによる最適水準の推計』日本経済新聞出版社,2013年
- 書評(土居丈朗氏) 2013/6/11週刊エコノミスト、(栗山浩一氏) 2013年8・9月号 経済セミナー、(日引聡氏) 2013 6(2) 環境経済・政策研究

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『災害の経済学』中央経済社,2013年

栗山浩一, 馬奈木俊介『環境経済学をつかむ 第2版』, 有斐閣, 2012年

arrow 馬奈木俊介・林良造(編著)『日本の将来を変えるグリーン・イノベーション』中央経済社,2012年
- 書評 2012/12/2 日本経済新聞

arrow 馬奈木俊介(編著)『資源と環境の経済学―ケーススタディで学ぶ』, 昭和堂,2012年

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 豊澄智己『環境ビジネスと政策―ケーススタディで学ぶ環境経営―』, 昭和堂,2012年

arrow 馬奈木俊介, IGES(編著)『生物多様性の経済学―経済評価と制度分析』, 昭和堂,2012年

arrow 馬奈木俊介『環境経営の経済分析』, 中央経済社, 2010年

arrow 寶多康弘,馬奈木俊介『資源経済学への招待―ケーススタディとしての水産業』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2010年

arrow 栗山浩一, 馬奈木俊介『環境経済学をつかむ』, 有斐閣, 2008年



arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2024. "Mental Health and Natural Land Cover: A Global Analysis Based on Random Forest with Geographical Consideration", Scientific Reports 14, 2894.

arrow Takeda, M., J. Choi, T. Maeda, and S. Managi. 2024. "Effects of bathing in different hot spring types on Japanese gut microbiota", Scientific Reports 14, 2316.

arrow Zhang, B., J. Arachchi, and S. Managi. 2024. "Forest carbon removal potential and sustainable development in Japan ", Scientific Reports 14, 647.

arrow Yoo, S., T. Nakaishi, S. Kagawa, and S. Managi. 2024. "Impact of Air Pollution on Human Morality: A Multinational Perspective", Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (forthcoming).

arrow Managi, S., S. Chen, P. Kumar, and P. Dasgupta. 2024. "Sustainable Matrix Beyond GDP: Investment for Inclusive Growth", Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11, 185.

arrow Ünal, E., A. Keeley, N. Köse, A. Chapman, and S. Managi. 2024. "The nexus between direct air capture technology and CO2 emissions in the transport sector", Applied Energy 363, 123112.

arrow Ida, A., K. Yoshida, J. Xie, Y. Tanaka, and S. Managi. 2024. "Do Local Government Sustainability Initiatives Impact Corporate Social Sustainability Practices?", Business Strategy and the Environment (forthcoming).

arrow Wang, Y., S. Siyu, J. Xie, H. Fujii, A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2024. "How corporate climate change mitigation actions affect the cost of capital", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (forthcoming).

arrow Afshan, S., Y. Zaied, T. Yaqoob, and S. Managi. 2024. "Insights into the Efficiency of China's Green Energy Policies", Journal of Cleaner Production 434, 139913.

arrow Fujii, H., J. Webb, S. Mundree, D. Rowlings, P. Grace, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2024. "Priority change and driving factors in the voluntary carbon offset market", Cleaner Environmental Systems 13, 100164.

arrow Zulfhazl, A. Keeley, T. Coulibal, and S. Managi. 2024. “Analysis of prospective demand for hydrogen in the road transportation sector: Evidence from 14 countries”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 56, 853-863.

arrow Yoo, S., J. Kumagai, and S. Managi. 2024. “Urban-Rural Gap induced by High-Speed Rail: 35 Years of Evidence from Japan”, Research in Transportation Business & Management 55. 101131.

arrow Xie, J., X. Piao, and S. Managi. 2024. "The role of female managers in enhancing employee well-being: A path through workplace resources", Gender in Management: an International Journal (forthcoming).

arrow Timilsin, R., P. Jena, D. Rahut, and S. Managi. 2024. “Towards parity: Examining the closing gender gap on electricity access in India using data from 1998 to 2021”, Energy for Sustainable Development 80. 101450.

arrow Islam, M., Kotani, K., and S. Managi. 2024. “Nature dependence and seasonality change perceptions for climate adaptation and mitigation”, Economic Analysis and Policy 81, 34-44.

arrow Inuzuka, T., Yokose, A., and S. Managi. 2024. “Influencing cryptocurrency: analyzing celebrity sentiments on X (formerly Twitter) and their impact on bitcoin prices”, Digital Finance

arrow Yoo, S., J. Kumagai, Y. Kawabata, A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2024. “Buy and/or Pay Disparity: Evidence from Fully Autonomous Vehicles”, Applied Sciences 14(1), 410;


arrow Pörtner, H. O., Scholes, R. J., Arneth, A., Barnes, D. K. A., Burrows, M. T., Diamond, S. E., Duarte, C. M., Kiessling, W., Leadley, P., Managi, S., McElwee, P., Midgley, G., Ngo, H. T., Obura, D., Pascual, U., Sankaran, M., Shin, Y. J., & Val, A. L. 2023. “Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts”, Science, 380, eabl4881 DOI: 10.1126/science.abl4881.

arrow Shimomura, M., A. Keeley, K. Matsumoto, K. Tanaka, and S. Managi. 2023. "Beyond the merit order effect: Impact of the rapid expansion of renewable energy on electricity market price", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 189, Part B, 114037.

arrow Shi, B., Y. Yuan, M. Shi, and S. Managi. 2023. "Can learning-by-doing offset negative impacts of carbon pricing in China?", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 183: 113441.

arrow Yoo, S., J. Kumagai, T. Morita, Y. Park, and S. Managi. 2023. "Who to Sacrifice? Modeling the Driver’s Dilemm", Transportation Research Part A 178. 103872.

arrow Yoo, S., J. Kumagai, S. Hong, K. Kawasaki, B. Zhang, and S. Managi. 2023. "Economic and Air Pollution Disparities: Insights from Transportation Infrastructure Expansion", Transportation Research Part D 125, 103981.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2023. “Gridded Datasets for Japan: Total, Male, and Female Populations from 2001–2020”, Scientific Data 10, 81.

arrow Xie, J., Piao, X., and S. Managi. 2023. “Lessons on the COVID-19 pandemic: who are the most affected”, Scientific Reports 13: 9365.

arrow Piao, X., and S. Managi. 2023. “The International Role of Education in Sustainable Lifestyles and Economic Development”, Scientific Reports 13 (8733)

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2023. “Income raises human well-being indefinitely, but age consistently slashes it”, Scientific Reports 13, 5905.

arrow Sugiawan, Y., R. Kurniawan, and S. Managi. 2023. “Assessing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals from the Inclusive Wealth perspective”, Scientific Reports 13: 1601.

arrow Piao, X., and S. Managi. 2023. “Household energy-saving behavior, its consumption, and life satisfaction in 37 countries”, Scientific Reports 13:1382.

arrow Xie, J., W. Nozawa, and S. Managi. 2023. “The nexus of top executives’ attributes, firm strategies, and outcomes: Large firms versus SMEs”, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10, 136.

arrow Imbulana, J., and S. Managi. 2023. “The role of social capital in subjective quality of life”, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10, 31.

arrow Yoo, S., J. Kumagai, K. Kawasaki, S. Hong, B. Zhang, T. Shimamura, and S. Managi. 2023. “Double-edged Trains: Economic outcomes and regional disparity of high-speed railways”, Transport Policy 133: 120-133.

arrow Imamura, K., K. Takano, Y. Yoshida, T. Nakashizuka, and S. Managi. 2023. "Effects of information provision on willingness to pay for conservation of alpine plants in Japan", Journal of Environmental Management 342: 118175.

arrow Kurokawa, H., K. Igei, A. Kitsuki, K. Kurita, S. Managi, M. Nakamuro, and A. Sakano. 2023. "Improvement Impact of Nudges Incorporated in Environmental Education on Students’ Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors", Journal of Environmental Management 325, Part B, 116612.

arrow Wei, C., C. Li, A. Löschel, S. Managi, and T. Lundgren. 2023. “Digital technology and energy sustainability: Recent advances, challenges, and opportunities”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 190, 106803.

arrow Lahouel, B., L. Taleb., Y. Zaied, S. Managi. 2023. "Financial stability, liquidity risk and income diversification: Evidence from European banks using the CAMELS-DEA approach", Annals of Operations Research

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2023. “Inappropriate Nighttime Light Reduces Living Comfort”, Environmental Pollution 334, 122173.

arrow Shi, B., Y. Yuan, and S. Managi. 2023. "Improved renewable energy storage, clean electrification and carbon mitigation in China: Based on a CGE Analysis", Journal of Cleaner Production 418, 138222.

arrow Xie, J., Y. Tanaka, A. Keeley, H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2023. "Do investors incorporate financial materiality? Remapping the environmental information in corporate sustainability reporting”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 30 (6) 2924-2952.

arrow Yoshida, K., K. Kurita, and S. Managi. 2023. "Stakeholder engagement as a sustainable development strategy: Managerial entrenchment for cross-shareholdings”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 30 (1): 402-418.

arrow Hunjra, A., M. Hassan, Y. Zaied, and S. Managi. 2023. "Nexus between Green Finance, Environmental Degradation, and Sustainable Development: Evidence from Developing Countries”, Resources Policy 133, 120-133.

arrow Coulibaly, T., and S. Managi. 2023. “Subnational administrative capabilities shape sustainable development in Africa”, Environmental Development, 100817.

arrow Zhang, C., X. Piao, and S. Managi. 2023. "Work hour mismatch on life evaluation: Full heterogeneity and individual- and country-level characteristics of the most and least affected workers", Social Indicators Research. 170: 637–674.

arrow Kitsuki, A., and S. Managi. 2023. "Importance Weighting in Subjective Well-Being Measures: Using Marginal Utilities as Weights for Domain Satisfaction”, Journal of Happiness Studies

arrow Chen, S., K. Kurita, T. Wakiyama, S. Kagawa, and S. Managi. 2023. "Inclusive Wealth Footprint for Cities in Japan: Regional Clusters for Sustainable Development”, Sustainability Science

arrow Yamaguchi, R., M. Islam, and S. Managi. 2023. "Natural Capital and Wealth Accounting for Sustainability Assessment: A Global Perspective”, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 16: 431–465.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2023. "Natural Land Cover Positively Correlates with COVID-19 Health Outcomes”, BMC Public Health 23, 623 (2023).

arrow Kurita, K., Y. Katafuchi, and S. Managi. 2023. "COVID-19, stigma, and habituation: Evidence from mobility data”, BMC Public Health 23, 98.

arrow Nozawa, W., K. Kurita, T. Tamaki, and S. Managi. 2023. "To what extent will space debris impact the economy?”, Space Policy 66, 101580.

arrow Hirose, J., K. Kotani, and S. Managi. 2023. “Do autonomy and inquisitiveness contribute to SDGs? Implications from the matrilineal island of Palau”, Economic Analysis and Policy 79: 303-318.

arrow Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2023. “New developments in the disciplines of environmental and resource economics”, Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 513-522.

arrow Kurita, K., and S. Managi. 2023. “New economic geography model with natural capital and migration congestion effect”, Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 635-641.

arrow Yagi, M., and S. Managi. 2023. “The spillover effects of rising energy prices following 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine”, Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 680-695.

arrow Athukorala, W., B. Lee, C. Wilson, H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2023. “Measuring the impact of pesticide exposure on farmers’ health and farm productivity”, Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 851-862.

arrow Takeda, S., A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2023. “How Many Years Away is Fusion Energy? A Review”, Journal of Fusion Energy 42, 16.

arrow Takeda, M., H. Nakamura, H. Otsu, K. Mimori, T. Maeda, and S. Managi. 2023. “Hot spring bathing practices have a positive effect on mental health in Japan”, Heliyon 9 (9), e19631.

arrow Rinawati, D., A. Keeley, S. Takeda, N. Itsubo, and S. Managi. 2023. “Potential for reducing CO2 emissions from passenger cars in Japan by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality”, IATSS Research 47: 185-195.

arrow Takeda, S., A. Keeley, T. Gloria, and S. Managi. 2023. “Sustainametrics—Envisioning a sustainable future with data science”, Frontiers in Sustainability 4:1130622. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2023.1130622.

arrow Komatsubara, K., A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2023. “Revisiting the Value of Various Ecosystems: Considering Spatiality and Disaster Concern”, Sustainability 15(4): 1-27.

arrow Lahouel, B., L. Taleb, S. Managi, and K. Guesmi. 2023. "The threshold effects of ICT on CO2 emissions: evidence from the MENA countries", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies


arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2022. "Estimating Monthly Global Ground-Level NO2 Concentrations using Geographically Weighted Panel Regression”, Remote Sensing of Environment 280, 113152.

arrow Cheng, D., Q. Xue, K. Hubacek, J. Fan, Y. Shan, Y. Zhou, D' M. Coffman, S. Managi, X. Zhang. 2022. "Inclusive wealth index measuring sustainable development potentials for Chinese cities", Global Environmental Change 22. 102417.

arrow Pascual, U., McElwee, P.D., Diamond, S.E., Ngo, H.T., Bai, X., Cheung, W.W.L., Lim, M., Steiner, N., Agard, J., Donatti, C. I., Duarte, C.M, Leemans, R., Managi, S., Pires, A. P. F., Reyes-García, V., Trisos, C., Scholes, R.J., Pörtner, H.-O. 2022. “Governing for transformative change across the biodiversity-climate-society nexus”. BioScience. 72. biac031,

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2022. "Spatial Variability of the Relationship between Air Pollution and Well-being", Sustainable Cities and Society 76. 103447.

arrow Domon., S., and M. Hirota, and T. Kono, and S. Managi, and Y. Matsuki. 2022. "The long-run effects of congestion tolls, carbon tax, and land use regulations on urban CO2 emissions", Regional Science and Urban Economics 92, 103750.

arrow Coulibaly, T., and S. Managi. 2022. “Identifying the impact of rainfall variability on conflicts at the monthly level”, Scientific Reports 12, 18162, .

arrow Lahouel, B., Y. Zaied, S. Managi, and L. Taleb. 2022. "Re-thinking about U: The relevance of regime-switching model in the relationship between environmental corporate social responsibility and financial performance", Journal of Business Research 140: 498-519.

arrow Igawa, M., and S. Managi. 2022. "Energy poverty and income inequality: An economic analysis of 37 countries", Applied Energy 306, Part B, 15, 118076.

arrow Fu, J., S. Hu, X. He, S. Managi, and D. Yan. 2022. "Identifying residential building occupancy profiles with demographic characteristics: using a national time use survey data", Energy and Buildings 277, 15: 112560.

arrow Lahouel, B., L. Taleb, Y. Zaied, and S. Managi. 2022. "Business Case Complexity and Environmental Sustainability: Nonlinearity and Optimality from an Efficiency Perspective", Journal of Environmental Management 301, 113870.

arrow Peng, H., X. Tan, S. Managi, and F. Taghizadeh-Hesary. 2022. "Club convergence in energy efficiency of Belt and Road Initiative countries: The role of China’s outward foreign direct investment", Energy Policy 168, 113139.

arrow Managi, S., D. Broadstock, and J. Wurgler. 2022. “Green and Climate Finance: Challenges and Opportunities”, International Review of Financial Analysis 79: 101962.

arrow Piao, X., and S. Managi. 2022. "Long-term improvement of psychological well-being in the workplace: What and how”, Social Science & Medicine 298, 114851.

arrow Igawa, M., X. Piao, and P. Managi. 2022. "The impact of cooling energy needs on subjective well-being: Evidence from Japan", Ecological Economics 198: 107464.

arrow Kurita, K., and S. Managi. 2022. "COVID-19 and stigma: Evolution of self-restraint behavior”, Dynamic Games and Applications 12, 168–182.

arrow Piao, X., and S. Managi. 2022. "Donations for environmental sustainability and subjective well-being: evidence from 37 nations”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 187. 106609.

arrow Okuyama A., S. Yoo, J. Kumagai, A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2022. "Questioning the Sun: Unexpected Emissions Implications from Residential Solar Photovoltaic Systems”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 176, 105924.

arrow Managi, S. and A. Chen. 2022. “Social-Economic Impacts of Epidemic Diseases”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 175, 121316.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2022. "Global malaria infection risk from climate change”, Environmental Research 114028.

arrow Wakamatsu, M., H. Nakamura, and S. Managi. 2022. "The value of whaling and its spatial heterogeneity in Japan”, Marine Policy 135: 104852.

arrow Ji, Q., S. Managi, and D. Zhang. 2022. “Managing climate risks for a sustainable future: adaptation strategies and resilience-building”, Sustainability Science 17, 1717–1721.

arrow Managi, S., M. Islam, O. Saito, M. Stenseke, L. Dziba, S. Lavorel, U. Pascual, and S. Hashimoto. 2022. “Valuation of Nature and Nature’s Contributions to People”, Sustainability Science 17, 701–705.

arrow Dasgupta, P., S. Managi, and P. Kumar. 2022. "The inclusive wealth index and sustainable development goals", Sustainability Science 17, 899–903.

arrow Islam, M., and S. Managi. 2022. "Valuation of Nature’s Contribution in Ladakh, India: An Inclusive Wealth Method", Sustainability Science 17, 905–918.

arrow Kumagai, J., M. Wakamatsu, S. Hashimoto, O. Saito, T. Yoshida, T. Yamakita, K. Hori, T. Matsui, M. Oguro, M. Aiba, R. Shibata, T. Nakashizuka, and S. Managi. 2022. "Natural capitals for nature’s contributions to people: the case of Japan", Sustainability Science 17, 919–954.

arrow Dong, H., Y. Liu, Z. Zhao, X. Tan, and S. Managi. 2022. "Carbon neutrality commitment for China: from vision to action", Sustainability Science.

arrow Tanaka, K., K. Matsumoto, A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2022. "The impact of weather changes on the supply and demand of electric power and wholesale prices of electricity in Germany", Sustainability Science 17, 1813–1825.

arrow Islam, M., B. Zhang, and S. Managi. 2022. "The trade-off between natural capital and human capital in Pakistan", Sustainability Science 17, 1799–1811.

arrow Yoo, S., A. Okuyama, and S. Managi. 2022. "Children Mirror Adults for the Worse: Evidence of Suicide Rates Due to Air Pollution and Unemployment", BMC Public Health 22: 1614

arrow Piao, X., and S. Managi. 2022. "Evaluation of employee occupational stress by estimating the loss of human capital in Japan", BMC Public Health 22: 411

arrow Piao, X., J. Xie, and S. Managi. 2022. "Environmental, social, and corporate governance activities with employee psychological well-being improvement", BMC Public Health 22:22

arrow Piao, X., J. Xie, and S. Managi. 2022. "Occupational Stress: Evidence from Industries Affected by COVID-19 in Japan", BMC Public Health 22:1005,

arrow Suresh, K., C. Wilson, A. Quayle, S. Managi, and U. Khanal. 2022. "Can a tourist levy protect national park resources and compensate for wildlife crop damage? An empirical investigation”, Environmental Development 42, 100697.

arrow Managi, S., H. Fujii, and A. Chapman. 2022. “Economic analysis underpinning achievement of the SDGs”, Journal of Cleaner Production 364, 132626.

arrow Arachchi, J., and S. Managi. 2022. "Social capital, household income and carbon dioxide emissions: A multicountry analysis", Environmental Impact Assessment Review 96, 106838.

arrow Lahouel, B., L. Taleb, Y. Zaied, and S. Managi. 2022. "Does primary stakeholder management improve competitiveness? A dynamic network non-parametric frontier approach”, Economic Modelling 116, 106010.

arrow Yoo, S, J. Kumagai, and S. Managi. 2022. "Trust more, Fear less: The Role of Social Supports in Fully Automated Vehicle Choice", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3208567.

arrow Coulibaly, T., and S. Managi, B., Zhang. 2022. “The use of geographically weighted regression to improve information from satellite night light data in evaluating the economic effects of the 2010 FIFA World Cup”, Area Development and Policy 7 (4): 463-481.

arrow Suresh, K., C. Wilson, A. Quayle, U. Khanal, and S. Managi. 2022. "Which national park attributes attract international tourists? A Sri Lankan case study", Tourism Economics 28 (7): 1848 - 1871.

arrow Piao, X., X. Ma, T. Tsurumi, and S. Managi. 2022. "Social Capital, Negative Event, Life Satisfaction and Sustainable Community: Evidence from 37 Countries", Applied Research in Quality of Life 17, 1311–1330,

arrow Ben Zaied, Y., Taleb, L., Ben Lahouel, B., and S. Managi. 2022. "Sustainable Water Demand Management and Incentive Tariff: Evidence From a Quantile-on-Quantile Approach", Environmental Modeling & Assessment. 27, 967–980.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2022. "Impacts of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate: A Global Analysis", Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, 27496–27509.

arrow Wakamatsu, M., and S. Managi. 2022. "Does spatially targeted information boost the value of ecolabeling seafood? A choice experiment in Japan", Applied Economics 54 (52): 6008-6021.

arrow Rinawati, D. I., A. Keeley, S. Takeda, and S. Managi. 2022. "A systematic review of life cycle assessment of hydrogen for road transport use", Progress in Energy 4: 012001.

arrow Keeley, A., K. Komatsubara, and S. Managi. 2022. "The Value of Invisibility: Factors Affecting Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy 17 (1), 1983891.

arrow Yoshida, P., Y. Iino. and S. Managi. 2022. "Do Japanese keiretsu promote better CSR activities?”, Economic Analysis and Policy 76: 452-475.

arrow Koirala, P., K. Kotani, and S. Managi. 2022. "How do farm size and perceptions matter for farmers’ adaptation responses to climate change in a developing country? Evidence from Nepal”, Economic Analysis and Policy 74: 188-204.

arrow Managi, S., M. Yousfi, Y. Zaied, N. Mabrouk, and B. Lahouel. 2022. "Oil price, US stock market and the US business conditions in the era of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak”, Economic Analysis and Policy 73: 129-139.

arrow Kono, K., Murakami, Y., Ebara, A., Okuma, K., Tokuno, H., Odachi, A., Ogasawara, K., Hidaka, E., Mori, T., Satoh, K., Kimoto, S. Masuyama, H. Takeda, M., and S. Managi. 2022. "Fluctuations in Intestinal Microbiota Following Ingestion of Natto Powder Containing Bacillus subtilis var. natto SONOMONO Spores: Considerations Using a Large-Scale Intestinal Microflora Database”, Nutrients, 14, 3839.

arrow Smith, R., L. R. Varshney, S. Nagayama, M. Kazama, T. Kitagawa, S. Managi, and Y. Ishikawa. 2022. "A computational neuroscience perspective on subjective wellbeing within the active inference framework”, International Journal of Wellbeing 12(4), 102-131.

arrow Kalli, R., P. Jena, and S. Managi. 2022. "Subsidized LPG Scheme and the Shift to Cleaner Household Energy Use: Evidence from a Tribal Community of Eastern India”, Sustainability 14(4), 2450;

arrow Tanaka, K., C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2022. "Impact of feed-in tariffs on electricity consumption", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 24 (1): 49-72.

arrow Matsumoto, S., K. Mizobuchi, and S. Managi. 2022. "Household Energy Consumption", Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 24 (1): 1-5.

arrow Keeley, A., Chapman, A., Yoshida, K., Xie, J., Imbulana, J., Takeda, S., and S. Managi. 2022. "ESG metrics and social equity: Investigating commensurability”, Frontiers in Sustainability 3:920955. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.920955.

arrow Abdullah, A. Keeley, S. Takeda, and S. Managi. 2022. "A systematic review of the techno-economic assessment of various hydrogen production methods of power generation”, Frontiers in Sustainability 3:943145. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.943145.

arrow Keeley, A., C. Li, S. Takeda, T. Gloria, and S. Managi. 2022. "The Ultimate Owner of ESG Investment”, Frontiers in Sustainability 3:909239. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.909239.

arrow Rinawati, D., A. Keeley, S. Takeda, and S. Managi. 2022. "Life-Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Utilization in Power Generation: A Systematic Review of Technological and Methodological Choices”, Frontiers in Sustainability 3:920876. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.920876.

arrow Kitsuki, A. and S. Managi. 2022. “Toward a multidimensional indicator of resident-oriented sustainable development: The case of slum areas in Mumbai”, Frontiers in Sustainability 3:907821. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.907821.

arrow Zulfhazli, A. Keeley, S. Takeda, and S. Managi. 2022. “A systematic review of the techno-economic assessment of various hydrogen production methods of power generation”, Frontiers in Sustainability 3:943145. doi: 10.3389/frsus.2022.943145

arrow Yoo, S., J. Kumagai, Y. Kawabata, A. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2022. "Insuring Well-Being: Psychological Adaptation to Disasters”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 6. 471–494.


arrow India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative Air Pollution Collaborators: Anamika Pandey, Michael Brauer, Maureen L Cropper, Kalpana Balakrishnan, Prashant Mathur, Sagnik Dey, Burak Turkgulu, G Anil Kumar, Mukesh Khare, Gufran Beig, Tarun Gupta, Rinu P Krishnankutty, Kate Causey, Aaron J Cohen, Stuti Bhargava, Ashutosh N Aggarwal, Anurag Agrawal, Shally Awasthi, Fiona Bennitt, Sadhana Bhagwat, P Bhanumati, Katrin Burkart, Joy K Chakma, Thomas C Chiles, Sourangsu Chowdhury, D J Christopher, Subhojit Dey, Samantha Fisher, Barbara Fraumeni, Richard Fuller, Aloke G Ghoshal, Mahaveer J Golechha, Prakash C Gupta, Rachita Gupta, Rajeev Gupta, Shreekant Gupta, Sarath Guttikunda,David Hanrahan, Sivadasanpillai Harikrishnan, Panniyammakal Jeemon, Tushar K Joshi, Rajni Kant, Surya Kant, Tanvir Kaur, Parvaiz A Koul, Praveen Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Samantha L Larson, Rakesh Lodha, Kishore K Madhipatla, P A Mahesh, Ridhima Malhotra, Shunsuke Managi, Keith Martin, Matthews Mathai, Joseph L Mathew, Ravi Mehrotra, B V Murali Mohan, Viswanathan Mohan, Satinath Mukhopadhyay, Parul Mutreja, Nitish Naik, Sanjeev Nair, Jeyaraj D Pandian, Pallavi Pant, Arokiasamy Perianayagam, Dorairaj Prabhakaran, Poornima Prabhakaran, Goura K Rath, Shamika Ravi, Ambuj Roy, Yogesh D Sabde, Sundeep Salvi, Sankar Sambandam, Bhavay Sharma, Meenakshi Sharma, Shweta Sharma, R S Sharma, Aakash Shrivastava, Sujeet Singh, Virendra Singh, Rodney Smith, Jeffrey D Stanaway, Gabriella Taghian, Nikhil Tandon, J S Thakur, Nihal J Thomas, G S Toteja, Chris M Varghese, Chandra Venkataraman, Krishnan N Venugopal, Katherine D Walker, Alexandrea Y Watson, Sarah Wozniak, Denis Xavier, Gautam N Yadama, Geetika Yadav, D K Shukla, Hendrik J Bekedam, K Srinath Reddy, Randeep Guleria, Theo Vos, Stephen S Lim, Rakhi Dandona, Sunil Kumar, Pushpam Kumar, Philip J Landrigan, Lalit Dandona. 2021. "Health and economic impact of air pollution in the states of India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019", The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (1): E25-E38.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2021. "Contribution of On-Road Transportation to PM2.5", Scientific Reports 11, 21320.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2021. "Land Cover Matters to Human Well-Being", Scientific Reports 11, 15957.

arrow Kumagai, J., M. Wakamatsu, and S. Managi. 2021. "Do commuters adapt to in-vehicle crowding on trains?", Transportation 48(5): 2357-2399.

arrow Arachchi, J., and S. Managi. 2021. "Preferences for energy sustainability: Different effects of gender on knowledge and importance", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 141: 110767.

arrow Morita, T., and S. Managi. 2021. " Autonomous vehicles: Willingness to pay and the social dilemma", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 119: 102748.

arrow Zhang, D. J. Li, Q. Ji, and S. Managi. 2021. "Climate variations, culture and economic behaviour of Chinese households", Climatic Change 167, 9.

arrow Suresh, S., U. Khanal, C. Wilson, S. Managi, A. Quayle, and S. Santhirakumar. 2021. "An economic analysis of agricultural adaptation to climate change impacts in Sri Lanka: an endogenous switching regression analysis", Land Use Policy 109: 105601.

arrow Piao, X., X. Ma, and S. Managi. 2021. " Impact of the Intra-household Education Gap on Wives’ and Husbands’ Well-Being: Evidence from Cross-Country Microdata", Social Indicators Research 156: 111–136.

arrow Kurniawan, R., Y. Sugiawan, and S. Managi. 2021. "Economic growth - environment nexus: An analysis based on natural capital in inclusive wealth", Ecological Indicators 120: 106982.

arrow Lahouel, B., L. Taleb, Y. Zaied, and S. Managi. 2021. "Does ICT change the relationship between total factor productivity and CO2 emissions? Evidence based on a nonlinear model", Energy Economics 101, 105406.

arrow Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi. 2021. "Material and relational consumption to improve subjective well-being: Evidence from rural and urban Vietnam", Journal of Cleaner Production 310: 127499.

arrow Weerasekara, S., C. Wilson, B. Lee, V. Hoang, S. Managi, and D. Rajapaksa. 2021. "The impacts of climate induced disasters on the economy: winners and losers in Sri Lanka", Ecological Economics 185, 107043.

arrow Halkos, G., S. Managi, and K. Tsilika. 2021. "Ranking Countries and Geographical Regions in the International Green Bond Transfer Network: A Computational Weighted Network Approach", Computational Economics 58: 1301–1346.

arrow Wilson, C., W. Athukorala, B. Torgler, R. Gifford, M. A. Garcia-Valiñas, and S. Managi. 2021. "Willingness to pay to ensure a continuous water supply with minimum restrictions", Empirical Economics 61, 1519–1537.

arrow Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi. 2021. "Are cognitive, affective, and eudaimonic dimensions of subjective well-being differently related to consumption? Evidence from Japan", Journal of Happiness Studies. 22, 2499–2522.

arrow Arachchi, J., and S. Managi. 2021. "The role of social capital in COVID-19 deaths", BMC Public Health 21: 434.

arrow Yoo, S., and S. Managi. 2021. "Disclosure or action: Evaluating ESG behavior towards financial performance", Finance Research Letters, (forthcoming).

arrow Tanaka, K., and S. Managi. 2021. "Industrial agglomeration effect for energy efficiency in Japanese production plants”, Energy Policy 156, 112442.

arrow Yoo, S., A. R. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2021. "Does sustainability activities performance matter during financial crises? Investigating the case of COVID-19", Energy Policy 155: 112330.

arrow Abe, K., Y. Matsuki, G. Ishimura, and S. Managi. 2021. "Rent distribution in an ex-vessel auction market of fisheries”, Marine Policy 133, 104771.

arrow Suresh, K., C. Wilson, U. Khanal, S. Managi, and S. Santhirakumar. 2021. "How productive are rice farmers in Sri Lanka? The impact of resource accessibility, seed sources and varietal diversification", Heliyon 7 (6) e07398.

arrow Tolliver, C., H. Fujii, A. R. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2021. “Green Innovation and Finance in Asia”, Asian Economic Policy Review 16 (1): 67-87.

arrow Obara, T., S. Tsugawa, and S. Managi. 2021. “λ Envy-free Pricing for Impure Public Good”, Economic Theory Bulletin 9: 11–25.

arrow Tanaka, K., K. Iwata, and S. Managi. 2021. "MPG Illusion and Vehicle Choice: An Empirical Study of the Japanese Household Survey", Energies 14(21), 7294;

arrow Jena, P., S. Managi, B. Majhi. 2021. "Forecasting the CO2 emissions at the global level: A multilayer artificial neural network modelling”, Energies 14(19), 6336;

arrow Yoo, S., and S. Managi. 2021. "Lockdowns Save People from Air Pollution: Evidence from Daily Global Tropospheric NO2 Satellite Data", Sustainability 13(21), 11777;

arrow Managi, S, M. Jimichi, and C. Saka. 2021. "Human capital development: Lessons from global corporate data", Economic Analysis and Policy 72: 268-275.

arrow Zhang, B, W. Nozawa, and S. Managi. 2021. "Spatial inequality of inclusive wealth in China and Japan", Economic Analysis and Policy 71: 164-179.

arrow Dong, J., W. Liang, Y. Fu, J. Liu, and S. Managi. 2021. “Impact of devolved forest tenure reform on formal credit access for households: Evidence from Fujian, China”, Economic Analysis and Policy 71: 486-498.

arrow Piao X., S. Tsugawa, Y. Takemura, N. Ichikawa, R. Kida, K. Kunie, and S. Managi. 2021. “Disability Weights Measurement for 17 Diseases in Japan: A Survey Based on Medical Professionals”, Economic Analysis and Policy 70: 238-248.

arrow Yagi, M., and S. Managi. 2021. “Global Supply Constraints from the 2008 and COVID-19 Crises ”, Economic Analysis and Policy 69: 514-528.

arrow Jena, P. R., R. Adiya, and S. Managi. 2021. “Impact of COVID-19 on GDP of major economies: Application of the artificial neural network forecaster”, Economic Analysis and Policy 69: 324-339.

arrow Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi. 2021. "Sustainable Consumption in Terms of Subjective Well-being in Asia", Global Environmental Research 25 (1&2): 93-100.

arrow Onuma, H., K.J. Shin, and S. Managi. 2021. “Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Growth Impacts of Catastrophic and Non-catastrophic Natural Disasters”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 5: 53–70.

arrow Katafuchi, Y., K. Kurita, and S. Managi. 2021. “COVID-19 with stigma: Theory and evidence from mobility data”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 5: 71–95.

arrow Li, C., and S. Managi. 2021. “A Package for Geographically Weighted Panel Regression (light version)”, Package ‘GWPR.light’ under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0:


arrow Konishi, Y., and S. Managi. 2020. "Do Regulatory Loopholes Distort Technical Change? Evidence from New Vehicle Launches under the Japanese Fuel Economy Regulation", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 104: 102377.

arrow Yagi, M., S. Kagawa, S. Managi, H. Fujii, and D. Guan. 2020. "Supply Constraint from Earthquakes in Japan in Input-Output Analysis", Risk Analysis: An International Journal 40 (9): 1811-1830.

arrow Broadstock, D., and S. Managi. 2020. "Introduction to the Special Issue on "Competition in the Electricity Sector"", The Energy Journal 41: 1-3.

arrow Keeley, A. R., K. Matsumoto, K. Tanaka, Y. Sugiawan, and Managi. 2020. "The Impact of Renewable Energy Generation on the Spot Market Price in Germany: Ex-Post Analysis using Boosting Method", The Energy Journal 41: DOI: 10.5547/01956574.41.SI1.akee.

arrow Imamura K, Takano T., Kumagai N.H., Yoshida Y., Yamano H., Fujii M., Nakashizuka T., and S. Managi. 2020. "Valuation of coral reefs in Japan: Willingness to pay for conservation and the effect of information", Ecosystem Services 46: 101166.

arrow Yoo, S., and S. Managi. 2020. "Global Mortality Benefits of COVID-19 Action", Technological Forecasting & Social Change 160: 120231.

arrow Managi, S., R. Lindner, and C. Stevens. 2020. "Technology Policy for the Sustainable Development Goals: From the Global to the Local Level", Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162: 120410.

arrow Kumar, S., S. Managi, R. K. Jain. 2020. "CO2 Mitigation Policy for Indian Thermal Power Sector: Potential Gains from Emission Trading", Energy Economics 86, 104653.

arrow Nguyen, T., T. Nguyen, V. Le, S. Managi, and U. Grote. 2020. "Reported Weather Shocks and Rural Household Welfare: Evidence from Panel Data in Northeast Thailand and Central Vietnam", Weather and Climate Extremes 30, 100286

arrow Kumagaya, J., and S. Managi. 2020. "Environmental Behaviour and Choice of Sustainable Travel Mode in Urban Areas: Comparative Evidence from Commuters in Asian Cities", Production Planning & Control 31 (11-12): 920-931.

arrow Coulibaly, T., M. Wakamatsu, M. Islam, H. Fukai, S. Managi, B., Zhang. 2020. “Differences in Water Policy Efficacy across South African Water Management Areas”, Ecological Economics 175: 106707.

arrow Zhang, B., W. Nozawa and S. Managi. 2020. "Sustainability measurements in China and Japan: an application of the inclusive wealth concept from a geographical perspective", Regional Environmental Change 20 (2):

arrow Jingyu, W., B. Yuping, W. Yihzong, L. Zhihui, D. Xiangzheng, M. Islam, and S. Managi. 2020. "Measuring Inclusive Wealth of China: Advances in Sustainable use of Resources", Journal of Environmental Management 264: 110328.

arrow Nakamura, H., and S. Managi. 2020. “Airport risk of importation and exportation of the COVID-19 pandemic”, Transport Policy 96: 40-47.

arrow Nakamura, H., and S. Managi. 2020. “Effects of subjective and objective city evaluation on life satisfaction in Japan”, Journal of Cleaner Production 256 (forthcoming).

arrow Tolliver, C., A. R. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2020. "Policy targets behind green bonds for renewable energy: Do climate commitments matter?", Technological Forecasting & Social Change 157: 120051.

arrow Tolliver, C., A. R. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2020. "Drivers of green bond market growth: The importance of Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement and implications for sustainability", Journal of Cleaner Production 244: 118643.

arrow Xie, J., W. Nozawa, and S. Managi. 2020. "The Role of Women on Boards in Corporate Environmental Strategy and Financial Performance: A Global Outlook", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 27 (5): 2044-2059.

arrow Rajapaksa, D., M. Gono, C. Wilson, S. Managi, B. Lee, V. Hoang. 2020. "The demand for education: The impacts of good schools on property values in Brisbane, Australia", Land Use Policy 97: 104748.

arrow Kariyawasam, S., C. Wilson, R. L. I. Madhubhashini, K. G. Sooriyagoda, and S. Managi. 2020. "Conservation versus socio-economic sustainability: A case study of the Udawalawe National Park, Sri Lanka ", Environmental Development 35: 100517.

arrow Wei, C., A. Löschel, and S. Managi. 2020. "Recent advances in energy demand research in China", China Economic Review 63: 101517.

arrow Tanaka, K., I. Matsukawa, and S. Managi. 2020. "An Experimental Investigation of Bilateral Oligopoly in Emissions Trading Markets", China Economic Review 59: 101349.

arrow Managi, S., and G. Halkos. 2020. "Natural Capital and Ecosystem Service: Sustainable Forest Management and Climate Change", Journal of Forest Economics 35 (2-3) 103-106.

arrow Athukorala, W., M. Karunarathna, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2020. "Conservation of Genetic Resources of Crops: Farmer Preferences for Banana Diversity in Sri Lanka", Journal of Forest Economics 35 (2) 177–206.

arrow Shahen, M., K. Kotani, M. Kakinaka, and S. Managi. 2020. “Wage and labor mobility between public, formal private and informal private sectors in a developing country”, Economic Analysis and Policy 68: 101-113.

arrow Dong, J., W. Liang, W. Liu, J. Liu, and S. Managi. 2020. “Does forestland possession enhance households’ access to credit?—Examining China’s forestland mortgage policy”, Economic Analysis and Policy 68: 78-87.

arrow Zhang, C., and S. Managi. 2020. “Childcare Availability and Maternal Employment: New Evidence from Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 69: 83-105.

arrow Tsurumi, T., and S. Managi. 2020. “Health-related and non-health-related effects of PM2.5 on life satisfaction: Evidence from India, China and Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 67: 114-123.

arrow Le, M., V. Hoang, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2020. “Net stable funding ratio and profit efficiency of commercial banks in the US”, Economic Analysis and Policy 67: 55-66.

arrow Zhang, D., and S. Managi. 2020. “Financial Development, Natural Disasters, and Economics of the Pacific Small Island States”, Economic Analysis and Policy 66: 168-181.

arrow Zhang, C., and S. Managi. 2020. “Functional social support and maternal stress: a study on the 2017 paid parental leave reform in Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 65: 153-172.

arrow Nakamura, H., and S. Managi. 2020. “Entrepreneurship and marginal cost of CO2 emissions in economic development”, Economic Analysis and Policy 65: 153-172.

arrow Nakamura, H. and Managi, S. 2020. "Why does perceive safety endure in crime hotspots? Case of Delhi", Safer Communities 19 (4): 183-198.

arrow Jumbri, I. A, and S. Managi. 2020. “Inclusive Wealth with Total Factor Productivity: Global Sustainability Measurement”, Global Sustainability 3 e5 (DOI:

arrow Tsurumi, T., R. Yamaguchi, K. Kagohashi, and S. Managi. 2020. “Attachment to Goods and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Life Satisfaction in Rural Areas in Vietnam”, Sustainability 12(23), 9913.

arrow Piao, X., X. Ma, C. Zhang, and S. Managi. 2020. “Impact of Gaps in the Educational Levels between Married Partners on Health and a Sustainable Lifestyle: Evidence from 32 Countries”, Sustainability 12 (11), 4623.

arrow Noy, I., and S. Managi. 2020. “It’s Awful, Why Did Nobody See it Coming?”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 4 (3): 429 - 430.

arrow Kumar, S., and S. Managi. 2020. “Does stringency of lockdown affect air quality? Evidence from Indian cities”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 4 (3): 481 - 502.

arrow Maruta, S., A. Kitsuki, and S. Managi. 2020. “Perceived Arrival Time of Disaster Relief Supplies Matters for Household Preparedness for Natural Disasters”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 4 (2): 365–384.

arrow Coulibaly, T., M. Islam, and S. Managi. 2020. “The Impacts of Climate Change and Natural Disasters on Agriculture in African Countries”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 4 (2): 347-364.

arrow Managi, S. 2020. “Interview with Sir Partha Dasgupta”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 22 (3): 339-356.

arrow Winkler, W., Behling, N., T., Behling., and S. Managi, and M.C. Williams. 2020. "Options for Natural Gas and Methane Including Fuel Cell Utilization in a Sustainable Energy Infrastructure”, ECS Transactions 96(1): 81-105.


arrow Chapman, A., H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2019. "Multinational Life Satisfaction, Perceived Inequality and Energy Affordability", Nature Sustainability 2 (6): 508–514. - featured in Want effective policy? Ask the locals, EurekAlert! American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), NEWS RELEASE 11-JUN-2019, by Science X NetworkB, EHIND THE PAPER, Nature Research Communities, June 12, 2019

arrow Managi, S. 2019. "Is Japan’s Commercial Whaling Doomed?", Nature 573, 34.

arrow Roxburgh, N., D. Guan, K. Shin, W. Rand, S. Managi, R. Lovelace, and J. Meng. 2019. "Characterising Climate Change Discourse on Social Media During Extreme Weather Events", Global Environmental Change 54: 50-60.

arrow Tolliver, C., A. R. Keeley, and S. Managi. 2019. "Green Bonds for the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals", Environmental Research Letters 14 (6) 064009.

arrow Islam, M., K. Kanemoto, and S. Managi. 2019. "Growth Potential for CO2 Emissions Transfer by Tariff Reduction", Environmental Research Letters 14 (2) 024011. - featured 4 times in ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY RESEARCH UPDATE, Liberalizing trade boosts embodied carbon emissions, 03 Jun 2019, Mongabay Series: Global Forests, “Experts warn: As G-20 tariffs drop, carbon emissions skyrocket” 10 April 2019, Connecting the Dots: Insane Trade and Climate Chaos (By Sean Keller, originally published by Local Futures, June 21, 2019; by Experts warn: As G-20 tariffs drop, carbon emissions skyrocket, posted 12-April-2019 (by

arrow Kotani, K., K. Tanaka, and S. Managi. 2019. "Which Performs Better under Trader Settings, Double Auction or Uniform Price Auction?", Experimental Economics 22(1): 247–267.

arrow Löschel, A., and S. Managi. 2019. “Economic Analysis of Energy Demand: Insights for Industries and Households”, Resource and Energy Economics 56: 1-5.

arrow Löschel, A., B. Lutz, and S. Managi. 2019. “The Impacts of the EU ETS on Efficiency - An Empirical Analyses for German Manufacturing Firms”, Resource and Energy Economics 56: 71-95.

arrow Tsurumi, T., A. Imauji, and S. Managi. 2019. "Relative Income, Community Attachment and Subjective Well-being: Evidence from Japan", Kyklos 72: 152–182.

arrow Sugiawan, Y. and S. Managi. 2019. “New Evidence of Energy-Growth Nexus from Inclusive Wealth”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103: 40-48.

arrow Mitra, J., C. Wilson, S. Managi, P. Kler, P. Prayaga, and U. Khanal. 2019. "What Determines Whale Watching Tourists’ Expenditure? A Study from Hervey Bay, Australia", Tourism Economics 25 (7): 1134-1141.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2019. "Decomposition Analysis of Sustainable Green Technology Inventions in China", Technological Forecasting & Social Change 139:10-16.

arrow Tamaki, T., T. Okada, and S. Managi. 2019. "Effect of Environmental Awareness on Purchase Intention and Satisfaction Pertaining to Electric Vehicles in Japan", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 67: 503-513.

arrow Chapman, A., K. Itaoka, K. Hirose, F. T. Davidson, K. Nagasawa, A. C. Lloyd, M. E. Webber, Z. Kurban, S. Managi, T. Tamaki, M. C. Lewis, R. E. Hebner, and Y. Fujii. 2019. "A Review of Four Case Studies Assessing the Potential for Hydrogen Penetration of the Future Energy System", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (13): 6371-6382.

arrow Jumbri, I. A., S. Ikeda, M. J., C. Saka, and S. Managi. 2019. " Inequality of Health Stock and the relation to National Wealth ", International Journal for Equity in Health 18, 188 doi:10.1186/s12939-019-1096-x.

arrow Tamaki, T., W. Nozawa, and S. Managi. 2019. “Controlling CO2 emissions for each area in a region: The case of Japan”, Carbon Balance and Management 14: 19.

arrow Broadstock, D., S. Managi, R. Matousek, N.G. Tzeremes. 2019. "Does Doing ‘Good’ Always Translate into Doing “Well”? An Eco-efficiency Perspective", Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (6): 1199-1217.

arrow Xie, J., W. Nozawa, M. Yagi, H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2019. "Do Environmental, Social and Governance Activities Improve Corporate Financial Performance?", Business Strategy and the Environment 28(2): 286-300.

arrow Yamaguchi, R., and S. Managi. 2019. "Backward- and Forward-Looking Shadow Prices in Inclusive Wealth Accounting: An Example of Renewable Energy Capital", Ecological Economics 156: 337-349.

arrow Wakamatsu, M., and S. Managi. 2019. "Examining Public Support for International Agreements on Tuna Management and Conservation", Marine Policy 100: 298-306.

arrow Athukorala, W., M. Karunarathna, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2019. "Household Demand for Electricity: the Role of Market Distortions and Prices in Competition Policy", Energy Policy 134: Article 11093.

arrow Nguyena, T.T., T. Nguyen, V. Hoang, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2019. "Energy Transition, Poverty and Inequality in Vietnam", Energy Policy 132: 536-548.

arrow Behling, N., M. Williams, T. Behling, and S. Managi. 2019. "Aftermath of Fukushima: Avoiding Another Major Nuclear Disaster", Energy Policy 126: 411-420.

arrow Behling, N., M. Williams, and S. Managi. 2019. "Regulating Japan's Nuclear Power Industry to Achieve Zero-accidents", Energy Policy 127: 308-319.

arrow Hein, W., C. Wilson, B. Lee, D. Rajapaksa, H. Moel, W. Athukorala, and S. Managi. 2019. “Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Government Mitigation Activities and Public Property Demand Response”, Land Use Policy 82: 436-443.

arrow Sugiawan, Y., R. Kurniawan, and S. Managi. 2019. “Are Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions Compatible with Sustainable Well-befing?”, Applied Energy 242: 1-11.

arrow Kurniawan, R., and S. Managi. 2019. “Linking Wealth and Productivity of Natural Capital for 140 Countries between 1990 and 2014”, Social Indicators Research 141(1): 443–462.

arrow Takayabu, H., S. Kagawa, H. Fujii, S. Managi, S. Eguchi. 2019. "Impacts of Productive Efficiency Improvement in the Global Metal Industry on CO2 Emissions", Journal of Environmental Management 248: Article 109261.

arrow Khanal, U., C. Wilson, B. Lee, V. Hoang, and S. Managi. 2019. “Influence of Payment Modes on Farmers’ Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation: Understanding Differences using a Choice Experiment in Nepal”, Sustainability Science 14(4): 1027-1040.

arrow Saito, O., S. Hashimoto, Managi, M. Aiba, T. Yamakita, R. DasGupta, K. Takeuchi. 2019. “Future Scenarios for Socio-Ecological Production Landscape and Seascape”, Sustainability Science 14(1): 1-4.

arrow Islam, M., R. Yamaguchi, Y. Sugiawan, and S. Managi. 2019. “Valuing Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services: A Literature Review”, Sustainability Science 14(1): 159–174.

arrow Ikeda, S., and S. Managi. 2019. “Future Inclusive Wealth and Human Well-being in Regional Japan: Projections of Sustainability Indices based on Shared Socioeconomic Pathways”, Sustainability Science 14(1): 147–158.

arrow Zhang, Z., D. Zhang, and S. Managi. 2019. “A Bibliometric Analysis on Green Finance: Current Status, Development, and Future Directions”, Finance Research Letters 29: 425-430.

arrow Rajapaksa, D., R. Gifford, B. Torgler, M. Garcia-Valiñas, W. Athukorala, S. Managi, and C. Wilson. 2019. “Do Monetary and Non-monetary Incentives Influence Environmental Attitudes and Behavior? Evidence from an Experimental Analysis”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 149: 168-176.

arrow Chen, J., C. Yu, S. Managi, and M. Song. 2019. “Energy-carbon Performance and its Changing Trend: an Example from China’s Construction Industry”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 145: .379-388

arrow Islam, M. and S. Managi. 2019. “Green Growth and Pro-Environmental Behavior: Sustainable Resource Management using Natural Capital Accounting in India”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 145: 126-138.

arrow Yamaguchi, R., M. Islam, and S. Managi. 2019. “Inclusive Wealth in the twenty-first century: a Summary and Further Discussion of Inclusive Wealth Report 2018”, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 12 (2): 101–111.

arrow Yamamura, E., S. Managi, and Y. Tsutsui. 2019. "Male Pupils Taught by Female Homeroom Teachers show a Higher Preference for Corporate Social Responsibility in Adulthood", Journal of The Japanese and International Economies 54: Article 101048

arrow Higa, K., R. Nonaka, T. Tsurumi, and S. Managi. 2019. "Migration and Human Capital: Evidence from Japan", Journal of The Japanese and International Economies 54: Article 101051.

arrow Sugiawan, Y., and S. Managi. 2019. "Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power Plants in Indonesia: Portraying the Role of a Multilevel Governance System", Energy Strategy Reviews 26: Article 100427.

arrow Takeda, S., A.R. Keeley., S. Sakurai, S. Managi, and C.B. Norris. 2019. “Are Renewables as Friendly to Humans as to the Environment?: A Social Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Electricity”, Sustainability 11(5), 1370; .

arrow Fujii, H., A. Shinozaki, S. Kagawa, and S. Managi. 2019. “How Does Information and Communication Technology Capital Affect Productivity in the Energy Sector? New Evidence from 14 countries Considering the Transition to Renewable Energy Systems”, Energies 12(9), 1786;

arrow Nozawa, W., and S. Managi. 2019. “Financial Constraints of Firms and Bank Characteristics”, Economic Analysis and Policy 64: 302-316.

arrow Arimura, T.A., S. Kaneko, S. Managi, T. Shinkuma, M. Yamamoto, and Y. Yoshida. 2019. “Political Economy of Voluntary Approaches: A Lesson from Environmental Policies in Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 64: 41-53.

arrow Higashida, K, K. Tanaka, and S. Managi. 2019. “The Efficiency of Conservation Banking Schemes with Inter-regionally Tradable Credits and the Role of Mediators”, Economic Analysis and Policy 61: 16-28.

arrow Shin, K.J., N. Tada, and S. Managi. 2019. “Consumer Demand for Fully Automated Driving Technology”, Economic Analysis and Policy 61: 16-28.

arrow Ito, N., K. Takeuchi, and S. Managi. 2019. “Do Battery-Switching Systems Accelerate the Adoption of Electric Vehicles? A Stated Preference Study”, Economic Analysis and Policy 61: 85-92.

arrow Tamaki, T., H. Nakamura, H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2019. “Efficiency and Emissions from Urban Transport: Application to World City Level Public Transportation”, Economic Analysis and Policy 61: 55-63.

arrow Nakamura, H., A. Uchida, and S. Managi. 2019. “Relationship between Community Sharing of New Personal Transportation and Local Residents’ Daily Life Consciousness”, Economic Analysis and Policy 61: 104-110.

arrow Goeschl, T., and S. Managi. 2019. “Public in-kind Relief and Private Self-insurance”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 3 (1): 3–21.

arrow Keeley, A., and S. Managi. 2019. “The Importance of Financial Cost for Renewable Energy Projects: Economic Viability Assessment of Renewable Hybrid Mini-grid Systems in Indonesia”, Green Finance 1 (2): 139-155.

arrow Managi, S., J. Wang, Z. Li, and L. Zhang. 2019. "Research Progress on Monitoring and Assessment of Forestry Area for Improving Forest Management in China", Forestry Economics Review 1 (1): 57-70.


arrow Du, G., K.J. Shin, and S. Managi. 2018. “Variability in Impact of Air Pollution on Subjective Well-being”, Atmospheric Environment 183: 175-208.

arrow Du, G., L. Yuan, K.J. Shin, and S. Managi. 2018. “A Comparative Approach to Modelling Multiple Urban Land Use Changes using Tree-based Methods and Cellular Automata: The Case of Greater Tokyo Area”, International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (4): 757-782.

arrow Jumbri, I., S. Ikeda, and S. Managi. 2018. "Heterogeneous Global Health Sock and Growth: Quantitative Evidence from 140 Countries, 1990-2100", Archives of Public Health 76: 81.

arrow Yagi, M., and S. Managi. 2018. "Decomposition Analysis of Corporate Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Japan: Integrating Corporate Environmental and Financial Performances", Business Strategy and the Environment 27 (8): 1476–1492.

arrow Yuan, L., K. Shin, and S. Managi. 2018. "Subjective Well-being and Environmental Quality: The Impact of Air Pollution and Green Coverage in China", Ecological Economics 153: 124–138.

arrow Wakamatsu, M., K.J. Shin, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2018. "Exploring a Gap between Australia and Japan in the Economic Valuation of Whale Conservation?", Ecological Economics 146: 397–407.

arrow Tsurumi, T., A. Imauji, and S. Managi. 2018. “Greenery and Subjective Well-being: Assessing the Monetary Value of Greenery by Type”, Ecological Economics 148: 152–169.

arrow Kurniawan, R., Y. Sugiawan, and S. Managi. 2018. "Cleaner Energy Conversion and Household Emission Decomposition Analysis in Indonesia", Journal of Cleaner Production 201: 334-342.

arrow Nozawa, W., T. Tamaki, and S. Managi. 2018. “On Analytical Models of Optimal Mixture of Mitigation and Adaptation Investmentst”, Journal of Cleaner Production 186: 57–67.

arrow Fujii, H., K. Iwata, A. Chapman, S. Kagawa, and S. Managi. 2018. "An Analysis of Urban Environmental Kuznets Curve of CO2 Emissions: Empirical Analysis of 276 Global Metropolitan Areas", Applied Energy 228: 1561-1568.

arrow Kurniawan, R., and S. Managi. 2018. "Coal Consumption, Urbanization, and Trade Openness Linkage in Indonesia", Energy Policy 121: 576-583.

arrow Aly, E. and S. Managi. 2018. “Energy Infrastructure and Their Impacts on Societies' Capital Assets: A Hybrid Simulation Approach to Inclusive Wealth”, Energy Policy 121: 1-12.

arrow Ahmad, N., S. Derrible, and S. Managi. 2018. “A Network-based Frequency Analysis of Inclusive Wealth to Track Sustainable Development in World Countries”, Journal of Environmental Management 218: 348–354.

arrow Majiwa, E., B.L. Lee, C. Wilson, H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2018. “A Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) Model of Post-harvest Handling: the case of Kenya's Rice Processing Industry”, Food Security 10 (3): 631–648.

arrow Higashida, K., T. Morita, S. Managi, and Y. Takarada. 2018. “Does Acquisition of Mineral Resources by Firms in Resource-Importing Countries Reduce Resource Prices?”, Resources Policy 58: 97-110.

arrow Kurniawan, R., and S. Managi. 2018. “Measuring Long-Term Sustainability with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways using an Inclusive Wealth Framework”, Sustainable Development 26 (6): 596-605.

arrow Fujii, H., S. Managi, R. Matousek, and A. Rughoo. 2018. "Bank Efficiency, Productivity and Convergence in EU countries: A Weighted Russell Directional Distance Model", The European Journal of Finance 28(2): 135-156.

arrow Khanal, U., C. Wilson, B. Lee, V. Hoang, and S. Managi. 2018. “Influence of Payment Modes on Farmers’ Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation: Understanding Differences using a Choice Experiment in Nepal”, Sustainability Science,

arrow Yoshida, Y., H. Matsuda, K. Fukushi, S. Ikeda, S. Managi, and K. Takeuchi. 2018. “Assessing Local-scale Inclusive Wealth: A case study of Sado Island, Japan”, Sustainability Science 13 (5): 1399–1414.

arrow Kurniawan, R., and S. Managi. 2018. “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Indonesia: An Assessment”, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 54 (3): 339-361.

arrow Toyosada, K., T. Otani, Y. Shimizu, H. Takata, K. Sakamoto, S. Murakawa, S. Managi. 2018. “Vietnam’s Future Water Usage Model: A Controlled Living Experiment”, Journal of Water Resource and Protection 10: 204-214.

arrow Islam, M. and Managi. 2018. “Sustainable Adaptation to Multiple Water Risks in Agriculture: Evidence from Bangladesh”, Sustainability 10(6), 1734.

arrow Rajapaksa, D., M. Islam, and Managi. 2018. “Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Role of Public Perception in Infrastructure and the Social Factors for Sustainable Development”, Sustainability 10(4), 937; doi:10.3390/su10040937.

arrow Chapman, A., H. Fujii, and Managi. 2018. “Key Drivers for Cooperation toward Sustainable Development and the Management of CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis of Six Northeast Asian Countries”, Sustainability 10(1), 244; doi:10.3390/su10010244.

arrow Halkos, G., S. Managi, and C. Wilson. 2018. “Growth and Efficiency in Resource Economics”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134: A4-A5.

arrow Noy, I., S. Managi, and S. Hallegatte. 2018. “Economics of Disasters and Climate Change – The Journal’s First Year”, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 2(1): 1-3.

arrow Halkos, G., S. Managi, and K. Tsilika. 2018. “The Multi-layer Nature of Inclusive Wealth data and their Dynamic Interpretation”, Economic Analysis and Policy 59: 60-170.

arrow Sekitou, M., K. Tanaka, and S. Managi. 2018. “Household Electricity Demand after the Introduction of Solar Photovoltaic Systems”, Economic Analysis and Policy 57: 102-110.

arrow Tamaki, T., K.J. Shin, H. Nakamura, and S. Managi. 2018. “Shadow Prices and Production Inefficiency of Mineral Resources”, Economic Analysis and Policy 57: 111-121.

arrow Morita, T., K. Yamamoto, and S. Managi. 2018. “The Relationship between School-based Career Education and Subsequent Incomes: Empirical Evidence from Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 58: 70-87.

arrow Sato, M., K. Kenta, and S. Managi. 2018. “Inclusive Wealth, Total Factor Productivity, and Sustainability: An Empirical Analysis”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (forthcoming).

arrow Rajapaksa, D., W. Athukorala, S. Managi, P. Neelawala, B. Lee, and C. Wilson. 2018. “The Impact of Cell Phone Towers on House Prices: Evidence from Brisbane, Australia”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 20(1): 211–224.

arrow Tolliver, C., M. Islam, K.J. Shin, and S. Managi. 2018. “The Impact of Energy Security Risks on Energy Consumption”, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 12 (3): 258-270.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2018. “Trends and Priority Shifts in Artificial Intelligence Technology Invention: A Global Patent Analysis”, Economic Analysis and Policy 58: 60-69.

arrow Halkos, G., S. Managi, and K. Tsilika. 2018. “Measuring Air Polluters’ Responsibility in Transboundary Pollution Networks”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 20 (3): 619–639.

arrow Khanal, U., C. Wilson, S. Managi, B. Lee, V. Hoang, and R. Gifford. 2018. “Psychological Influence on Survey Incentives: Valuing Climate Change Adaptation Benefits in Agriculture”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 20 (2): 305–324.


arrow Managi, S., and M. Wakamatsu. 2017. “Pay Countries to Stop Whaling”, Nature 546, 352.

arrow Fujii, H., S. Okamoto, S. Kagawa., and S. Managi. 2017. “Decomposition of Toxicity Emission Changes on the Demand and Supply sides: Empirical Study of the US Industrial Sector”, Environmental Research Letters 12(12) 124008.

arrow Horie, S., and S. Managi. 2017. "Why Do People Stay in or Leave Fukushima?", Journal of Regional Science 5(7): 840-857.

arrow Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2017. "Measuring the Effect of Economic Growth on Countries' Environmental Efficiency: A Conditional Directional Distance Function Approach", Environmental and Resource Economics 68 (3):753-775.

arrow Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2017. “Recent Advances in Empirical Analysis on Growth and Environment: Introduction”, Environment and Development Economics 22 (6): 649-657.

arrow Johnstone, N., S. Managi, M. Rodríguez, I. Haščič, H. Fujii, and M. Souchier. 2017. "Environmental Policy Design, Innovation and Efficiency Gains in Electricity Generation", Energy Economics 63: 106-115.

arrow Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2017. “Land Use, Forest Preservation and Biodiversity in Asia”, Journal of Forest Economics 29 Part A: 1-3.

arrow Imamura, K., S. Managi, S. Saito, and T. Nakashizuka. 2017. “Abandoned Forest Ecosystem: Implications for Japan’s Oak Wilt Disease”, Journal of Forest Economics 29 Part A: 56-61.

arrow Athukorala, W., C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2017. “Social Welfare Losses from Groundwater over-extraction for Small-scale Agriculture in Sri Lanka: Environmental concern for Land Use”, Journal of Forest Economics 29 Part A: 47-55.

arrow Fujii, H., K. Iwata, and S. Managi. 2017. “How Do Urban Characteristics Affect Climate Change Mitigation Policies?”, Journal of Cleaner Production 168: 271-278.

arrow Tamaki, T., W. Nozawa, and S. Managi. 2017. "Evaluation of the Ocean Ecosystem: Climate Change with Backstop Technologies", Applied Energy 205: 428-439.

arrow Kitamura, T., and S. Managi. 2017. "Driving Force and Resistance: Network Feature in Oil Trade", Applied Energy 208: 361-375.

arrow Kitamura, T., and S. Managi. 2017. "Energy Security and Potential Supply Disruption: A Case Study in Japan", Energy Policy 110: 90-104.

arrow Tanaka, K., M. Sekito, S. Managi, S. Kaneko, and V. Rai. 2017. "Decision-Making Governance for Purchases of Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Japan", Energy Policy 111: 75-84.

arrow Shin, K.J. and S. Managi 2017. "Liberalization of Retail Electricity Market: Consumer Satisfaction and Household Switching Behavior in Japan", Energy Policy 110: 675-685.

arrow Lee, B., C. Wilson, C.A. Pasurka, H. Fujii, and S. Managi 2017. "Sources of Airline Productivity from Carbon Emissions: An Analysis of Operational Performance under Good and Bad Outputs", Journal of Productivity Analysis 47 (3): 223-246.

arrow Wakamatsu, M., K.J. Shin, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2017. "Can Bargaining Resolve the International Conflict over Whaling?", Marine Policy 81: 312-321.

arrow Onuma, H., K.J. Shin and S. Managi. 2017. “Reduction of Future Disaster Damages by Learning from Disaster Experiences”, Natural Hazards 87(3): 1435-1452.

arrow Onuma, H., L.J.. Shin and S. Managi. 2017. “Household Preparedness for Natural Disasters - Impact of disaster experience and implication for future disaster risks in Japan-”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 21: 148-158.

arrow Rajapaksa, D., M. Zhu, B. Lee, V. Hoang, C. Wilson, and S. Managi. 2017. "The Impacts of Flood Dynamics on Property Values?", Land Use Policy 69: 317-325.

arrow Rajapaksa, D., C. Wilson, V. Hoang, B. Lee, and S. Managi. 2017. "Who Responds More to Environmental Amenities and Dis-amenities?", Land Use Policy 62: 151-158.

arrow Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2017. “Monetary Valuations of Life Conditions in a Consistent Framework: The Life Satisfaction Approach”, Journal of Happiness Studies 18(5): 1275-1303.

arrow Yamaguchi, R., and S. Managi. 2017. "New Financing for Sustainable Development: The Case for NNP- or Inclusive Wealth-Linked Bonds", The Journal of Environment & Development 26(2): 214-239.

arrow Jayarathna1, L., R. Rajapaksa, S. Managi, W. Athukorala, B. Torgler, M.A. Garcia-Valiñas, and C. Wilson. 2017. “A GIS based Spatial Decision Support System for Analysing Residential Water Demand: A Case Study in Australia”, Sustainable Cities and Society 32: 67–77.

arrow Saito, O., S. Managi, N. Kanie, J. Kauffman, and K. Takeuchi. 2017. "Sustainability Science and Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals", Sustainability Science 12(6): 907-910.

arrow Ikeda, S., T. Tamaki, H. Nakamura, and S. Managi. 2017. "Inclusive Wealth of Regions: The Case of Japan", Sustainability Science 12(6): 991-1006.

arrow Kurniawan, R., and S. Managi. 2017. "Sustainable Development and Performance Measurement: Global Productivity Decomposition", Sustainable Development 25 (6): 639-654.

arrow Abe, K., G. Ishimura, T. Tsurumi, S. Managi, U.R. Sumaila. 2017. “Does Trade Openness Reduce a Domestic Fisheries Catch?”, Fisheries Science 83(6):897-906.

arrow Fukushima, Y., G. Ishimura, A. Komasinski, R. Omoto and S. Managi 2017. “Education and Capacity Building with Research: A possible case for Future Earth”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 18 (2): 263-276.

arrow Tanaka, T., Y. Kurakawa, E. Sawada, K. Akao, S. Managi. 2017. "Energy Conservation and Risk of Electric Outage: Laboratory Experimental Study”, Journal of Energy Engineering 143 (3), [F4016010]. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000386a

arrow Zhu, X., Gu, R. Wu, B., and S. Managi. 2017. “Does Hazy Weather Influence Earnings Management of Heavy-Polluting Enterprises? A Chinese Empirical Study from the Perspective of Negative Social Concerns”, Sustainability 9(12), 2296; doi:10.3390/su9122296.

arrow Fujii, H., M. Sato, and S. Managi. 2017. “Decomposition Analysis of Forest Ecosystem Services Values”, Sustainability 9(5):687.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2017. “Decomposition Analysis of Water Treatment Technology Patents”, Water 9(11), 860.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2017. “Wastewater Management Efficiency and Determinant Factors in the Chinese Industrial Sector from 2004 to 2014”, Water 9(8), 586.

arrow Toyosada, K., T. Otani, Y. Shimizu, and S. Managi. 2017. “Water Quality Study on the Hot and Cold Water Supply Systems at Vietnamese Hotels”, Water 9(4):251.

arrow Rajapaksa, D., M. Islam, and S. Managi. 2017. "Natural Capital Depletion: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Inclusive Growth", Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 1 (3): 233-244.

arrow Munro, A., and S. Managi. 2017. "Going Back: Radiation and Intentions to Return amongst Households Evacuated after the Great Tohoku Earthquake", Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 1 (1): 77-93.

arrow Noy, I., S. Managi, and S. Hallegatte. 2017. "Disasters and Climate Change Economics: - a New Journal for a Changing World", Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 1 (1): 1-3.

arrow Yoshida, Y., K. Tanaka, and S. Managi. 2017. “Which Dynamic Pricing Rule is Most Preferred by Consumers?-Application of Choice Experiment”, Journal of Economic Structures 6 (4) DOI: 10.1186/s40008-017-0064-0.

arrow Goonetilleke A., A. Liu, S. Managi, C. Wilson, T. Gardner, E.R. Bandala, L. Walker, J. Holden, M.A. Wibowo, S. Suripin, H. Joshi, D.M. Bonotto, and D. Rajapaksa. 2017. “Stormwater Reuse, A Viable Option: Fact or Fiction?”, Economic Analysis and Policy 56: 14-17.

arrow Sugiawan, Y., M. Islam, and S. Managi. 2017. “Global Marine Fisheries with Economic Growth”, Economic Analysis and Policy 55: 158-168.

arrow Halkos, G., S. Managi, and K. Tsilika. 2017. “Evaluating a Continent-wise Situation for Capital Data”, Economic Analysis and Policy 55: 57-74.

arrow Managi, S., and D. Guan. 2017. “Multiple Disasters Management: Lessons from the Fukushima Triple Events”, Economic Analysis and Policy 53: 114-122.

arrow Halkos, G., S. Managi, and A. Zisiadou. 2017. "Analyzing the Determinants of Terrorist Attacks and their Market Reactions", Economic Analysis and Policy 54: 57-73.


arrow Managi, S., Goonetilleke, A., and C. Wilson. 2016. “Embed Stormwater Use in City Planning”, Nature 532 (7597): 37.

arrow Lee, B., C. Wilson, C.A. Pasurka, H. Fujii, and S. Managi 2016. "Sources of Airline Productivity from Carbon Emissions: An Analysis of Operational Performance under Good and Bad Outputs", Journal of Productivity Analysis (forthcoming).

arrow Sugiawan, Y., and S. Managi 2016. "The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Indonesia: Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy", Energy Policy 98: 187?198.

arrow Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2016. "Measuring the Effect of Economic Growth on Countries' Environmental Efficiency: A Conditional Directional Distance Function Approach", Environmental and Resource Economics (forthcoming).

arrow Yamaguchi, R., and S. Managi. 2016. "A New Financial Instrument for Sustainability: The Case for Green NNP- or Inclusive Wealth-linked Bonds", Journal of Environment & Development (forthcoming).

arrow Fujii, H., S. Managi, R. Matousek, and A. Rughoo. 2016. "Bank Efficiency, Productivity and Convergence in EU countries: A Weighted Russell Directional Distance Model", The European Journal of Finance (forthcoming).

arrow Jayarathna1, L., R. Rajapaksa, S. Managi, W. Athukorala, B. Torgler, M.A. Garcia-Valinas, and C. Wilson. 2016. “A GIS based Spatial Decision Support System for Analysing Residential Water Demand: A Case Study in Australia”, Sustainable Cities and Society (forthcoming).

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2016. “Carbon Sensitive Productivity, Climate and Institutions”, Environment and Development Economics 21 (1): 109-133.

arrow Sakamoto, T., and S. Managi. 2016. "New Evidence of Environmental Efficiency on the Export Performance", Applied Energy 185: 615?626.

arrow Sakamoto, T., K. Takase, R. Matsuhashi, and S. Managi. 2016. "Baseline of the Projection under a Structural Change in Energy Demand", Energy Policy 98: 274?289.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2016. "An Evaluation of Inclusive Capital Stock for Urban Planning", Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2 (10) (forthcoming).

arrow Onuma, H., L.J.. Shin and S. Managi. 2016. “Household Preparedness for Natural Disasters - Impact of disaster experience and implication for future disaster risks in Japan-”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (forthcoming).

arrow Rajapaksa, D., C. Wilson, S. Managi, V. Hoang, and B. Lee. 2016. “Flood Risk Information, Actual Floods and Property Values: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis”, Economic Record 92 (S1): 52?67.

arrow Fujii, H., J. Cao and S. Managi. 2016. “Firm-level Environmentally Sensitive Productivity and Innovation in China”, Applied Energy 184: 915?925.

arrow Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2016. “Research and Development Strategy for Environmental Technology in Japan: A Comparative Study of the Private and Public Sectors”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change 112: 293-302.

arrow Tamaki, T., H. Nakamura, H. Fujii, and S. Managi. 2016. “Efficiency and Emissions from Urban Transport: Application to World City Level Public Transportation”, Economic Analysis and Policy (forthcoming).

arrow Nakamura, H., A. Uchida, and S. Managi. 2016. “Relationship between Community Sharing of New Personal Transportation and Local Residents’ Daily Life Consciousness”, Economic Analysis and Policy (forthcoming).

arrow Yagi, M. and S. Managi. 2016. “Demographic Determinants of Car Ownership in Japan”, Transport Policy 50: 37-53.

arrow Imamura, K., Takano, K.T., Mori, N., Nakashizuka, T., and S. Managi. 2016 “Attitudes toward Disaster-prevention risk in Japanese Coastal Areas: Analysis of Civil Preference”, Natural Hazards 82 (1): 209-226.

arrow Nakada, T., K.J. Shin, and S. Managi 2016. "The Effect of Demand Response on Purchase Intention of Distributed Generation: Evidence from Japan", Energy Policy 94: 307-316.

arrow Islam, M., K. Kanemoto, and S. Managi. 2016 “Trade Openness and Sector Trade on Embodied Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Air Pollutants”, Journal of Industrial Ecology 20 (3): 494-505.

arrow Shin, K.J., R. Nakakido, S. Horie, and S. Managi 2016. "The Effects of Community Attachment and Information Seeking on Displaced Disaster Victims' Decision Making", PLOS ONE 11(3): e0151928. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151928.

arrow Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2016. “Economic Development and Multiple Air Pollutant Emissions from the Industrial Sector”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (3): 2802-2812.

arrow Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2016. “Monetary Valuations of Life Conditions in a Consistent Framework:the Life Satisfaction Approach”, Journal of Happiness Studies (forthcoming).

arrow Fukushima, Y., G. Ishimura, A. Komasinski, R. Omoto and S. Managi 2017. “Education and Capacity Building with Research: A possible case for Future Earth”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 18 (forthcoming).

arrow Iwata, K., Managi, S. 2016. "Can Land Use Regulations and Taxes Help Mitigate Vehicular CO2 Emissions? An Empirical Study of Japanese Cities" Urban Policy and Research 34 (4): 356-372.

arrow Tanaka, T., Y. Kurakawa, E. Sawada, K. Akao, S. Managi. 2016. "Energy Conservation and Risk of Electric Outage: Laboratory Experimental Study”, Journal of Energy Engineering (forthcoming).

arrow Behling, N., M.C. Williams, and S. Managi. 2016. "Japan Has Great Expectations for a Hydrogen Society”, ECS Transactions 71(1): 1-12.

arrow Managi, S. and Sharma, S. 2016. “Economics of Crises and Disasters”, Singapore Economic Review 61 (1) 1-10.

arrow Matsuki, Y. and S. Managi. 2016. "The Impact of Natural Disasters on Manufacturing: Plant-level Analysis for the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake”, Singapore Economic Review 61 (1): 196-217.

arrow Tanaka, K. and S. Managi. 2016. "Impact of a Disaster on Land Price: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident”, Singapore Economic Review 61 (1): 60-74.

arrow Sanaei, M., S. Horie, and S. Managi. 2016. "Job Opportunity and Ownership Status: Return Decision after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami”, Singapore Economic Review 61 (1): 162-177.

arrow Barros, C.P., and S. Managi. 2016. “French Nuclear Electricity Plants: Productivity and Air Pollution”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 11 (8): 718?724.

arrow Yagi, M. and S. Managi. 2016 “Time-period and Industry Heterogeneity of Innovation Activity in Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 50: 100-119.

arrow Islam, M., K. Kotani, and S. Managi. 2016 “Climate Perception and Flood Mitigation Cooperation: A Bangladesh Case Study”, Economic Analysis and Policy 49: 117-133.

arrow Yang, J., Managi, S. 2016. "The Dematerialization of Nature Resource and Resource Efficiency during 1990 to 2010" Global Environmental Research 19 (2): 199-206.

arrow Halkos, G., and S. Managi 2016 Special Issue on “Growth and the Environment”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (3): 273-276.

arrow Managi, S., Z. Zhang and S. Horie 2016 “A Real Options Approach to Environmental R&D Project Evaluation”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (3): 359-394.

arrow Crespi, F., M. Mazzanti, and S. Managi 2016 “Green Growth, Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Transitions”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (2): 137-141.

arrow Fujii, H., A.G. Assaf, S. Managi and R. Matousek. 2016. “Did the Financial Crisis Affect Environmental Efficiency? Evidence from the Japanese Manufacturing Sector”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (2): 159-168.

arrow Fujii, H., S. Managi 2016 “The Trend of Corporate Environmental Management Study and Database”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (2): 265-272.

arrow Sakamoto. T., and S. Managi. 2016. "Optimal Economic Growth and Energy Policy: Analysis of Nonrenewable and Renewable Energy”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 18 (1): 1-19.


arrow Dasgupta, P., A. Duraiappah, S. Managi, E. Barbier, R. Collins, B. Fraumeni, H. Gundimeda, G. Liu, and K. J. Mumford. 2015. “How to Measure Sustainable Progress”, Science 13 (35): 748.

arrow Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2015. “Optimal Production Resource Reallocation for CO2 Emissions Reduction in Manufacturing Sectors”, Global Environmental Change 35: 505-513.

arrow Oikawa, K. and S. Managi. 2015. “R&D in Clean Technology: A Project Choice Model with Learning”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 117: 175-195.

arrow Chen, P-C., Yu, M-M., Chang, C-C., Hsu, S-H., and S. Managi. 2015. “The Enhanced Russell-Based Directional Distance Measure with Undesirable Outputs: Numerical Example Considering CO2 Emissions", Omega - The International Journal of Management Science 53: 30-40.

arrow Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2015. “Environmental Value of Green Spaces in Japan: An Application of the Life Satisfaction Approach”, Ecological Economics 120: 1-12.

arrow Yagi, M., H. Fujii, V. Hoang, and S. Managi. 2015. “Environmental Efficiency of Energy, Materials, and Emissions”, Journal of Environmental Management 161: 206-218.

arrow Tsurumi, T., S. Managi, and A. Hibiki. 2015. "Do Environmental Regulations Increase Bilateral Trade Flows?”, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 15 (4): 1549-1577.

arrow Ito, Y., S. Managi. 2015. “The Potential of Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Cost-Benefit Analysis”, Research in Transportation Economics 50: 39-50.

arrow Huang, W., S. Cui, Y. Hashimoto, M. Yarime, and S. Managi. 2015. “Improving Urban Metabolism Study for Sustainable Urban Transformation”, Environmental Technology & Innovation 4: 62-72.

arrow Fujii, H., J. Cao, Managi, S. 2015. "Decomposition of Productivity considering Multi-Environmental Pollutants in Chinese Industrial Sector" Review of Development Economics 19 (1): 75-84.

arrow Kagohashi, K., T. Tsurumi, and S. Managi. 2015. “The Effects of International Trade on Water Use”, PLOS ONE 10(7): e0132133. doi:10.1371/journal.

arrow Chen, P-C., Yu, M-M., Chang, C-C., Hsu, S-H., and S. Managi. 2015. “Non-radial Directional Performance Measurement with Undesirable Outputs: An Application to OECD and Non-OECD Countries", International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 14 (3): 481-520.

arrow Kumar, S., Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2015. "Substitute or Complement? Assessing Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy in OECD Countries”, Applied Economics 47 (14): 1438-1459.

arrow Fujii, H. K. Edamura, K. Sumikura, Y. Furusawa, N. Fukuzawa, and S. Managi. 2015. "How Enterprise Strategies are Related to Innovation and Productivity Change: An Empirical Study of Japanese Manufacturing Firms”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 24 (3): 248-262.

arrow Sakamoto, T. and S. Managi. 2015. "Energy Pricing Impact on Domestic Economy under Recent Climate Action”, Economic Analysis and Policy 48: 150-162.

arrow Behling, N., M.C. Williams, and S. Managi. 2015. "Fuel Cells and the Hydrogen Revolution: Analysis of a Strategic Plan in Japan”, Economic Analysis and Policy 48: 204-221.

arrow Morita, T. and S. Managi. 2015. "Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Electricity after the Great East Japan Earthquake”, Economic Analysis and Policy 48: 82-105.

arrow Hatase, K.. and Managi, S. 2015. "Increase in Carbon Prices: Analysis of Energy-Economy Modeling”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 17 (2): 241-262.

arrow Barros, C.P., H. Fujii and S. Manag. 2015. “How Scale and Ownership are related to Financial Performance? A Productivity Analysis of the Chinese Banking Sector”, The Journal of Economic Structures 4:16 doi:10.1186/s40008-015-0026-3.

arrow Managi, S. and G. Halkos. 2015. "Production Analysis in Environmental, Resource, and Infrastructure Evaluation”, The Journal of Economic Structures 4:15 doi:10.1186/s40008-015-0025-4.

arrow Halkos, G., Managi, M. and N. Tzeremes. 2015. "The Effect of Natural and Man-made Disasters on Countries' Production Efficiency”, The Journal of Economic Structures 4 (10) DOI 10.1186/s40008-015-0019-2.

arrow Cao, H., Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2015. "A Productivity Analysis Considering Environmental Pollution and Diseases in China”, The Journal of Economic Structures 4 (4) DOI: 10.1186/s40008-015-0012-9.

arrow Kagawa. S., Hashimoto, S. and Managi, S. 2015. "Special issue: Studies on Industrial Ecology”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 17 (3): 361-368.

arrow Yang. J., Managi, S., and Sato, M. 2015. "The Effect of Institutional Quality on National Wealth: An Examination using Multiple Imputation Method”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 17 (3): 431-453.


arrow Fuiji, H., S. Managi., M. Matousek. 2014. “Indian Bank Efficiency and Productivity Changes with Undesirable Outputs: A disaggregated approach”, Journal of Banking and Finance 38 (1): 41-50.

arrow Managi, S., Hibiki, A., and Shimane, T. 2014. “Efficiency or Technology Adoption: A Case Study in Waste- Treatment Technology”, Resource and Energy Economics 36 (2): 586-600.

arrow Higashida, K., Managi, S. 2014. "Determinants of Trade in Recyclable Wastes: Evidence from Commodity-Based Trade of Waste and Scrap" Environment and Development Economics 19 (2): 250-270.

arrow Uchida, H., Y. Onozaka, T. Morita, and S. Managi. 2014. “Demand for Ecolabeled Seafood in Japanese Market: A Conjoint Analysis of the Impact of Information and Interactions with Other Labels”, Food Policy 44 (1): 68-76.

arrow Taniakwa, H., S. Managi, and C. Lwin. 2014. “Estimates of Lost Material Stock of Buildings and Roads Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami”, Journal of Industrial Ecology 18 (3): 421-431.

arrow Iwata, K., Y. Ito, and S. Managi. 2014. “Public and Private Mitigation for Natural Disasters in Japan”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 7: 39-50.

arrow Kotani, K., K. Tanaka and S. Managi, 2014. “Cooperative Choice and its Framing Effect under Threshold Uncertainty in a Provision Point Mechanism”, Economics of Governance 15(4): 329-353.

arrow Higashida, K., K. Tanaka and S. Managi, 2014. “A Laboratory Assessment of Choices of Vessel Sizes under Individual Transferable Quotas Regimes”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 58 (3): 353-373.

arrow Zhang, Z., H. Fujii and S. Managi, 2014. “How Does Commuting Behavior Change Due to Incentives? An Empirical Study of the Beijing Subway System”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 24: 17-26.

arrow Mensi, W., M. Beljid, and S. Managi. 2014. "Structural Breaks and the Time-varying levels of Weak-form Efficiency in Crude Oil Markets: Evidence from the Hurst Exponent and Shannon Entropy Methods", International Economics 140: 89-106.

arrow Sawada, E. and S. Managi. 2014. “Effects of Technological Change on Nonrenewable Resource Extraction and Exploration.”, Journal of Economic Structures 3 (1): 1-12. doi:10.1186/2193-2409-3-1

arrow Barros, C.P., A. Ibiowie and S. Managi. 2014. “Nigeria’ Power Sector: Analysis of Productivity”, Economic Analysis and Policy 44: 65-73.

arrow Barros, C.P. and S. Managi. 2014. “Productivity Change of UK Airports”, International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 6 (1): 22-41.

arrow Barros, C.P., S. Managi, R. Matousek, and B.S. Sergi. 2014. “The Integration of Baltic Banks into the EU Banking Market: Evidence from the Pre-crisis Period”, Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services 13 (1).

arrow Miyamoto, T., and S. Managi, S. 2014. “Intra-Industry Spillover Effects of ISO 14001 Adoption in Japan”, International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics 34 (3): 20-36.

arrow Yagi, M., S. Managi and S. Kaneko, 2014. “Water Use and Wastewater Discharge of Industrial Sector in China”, International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics 32 (1): 33-43.

arrow Kanie, N., N. Abe, M. Iguchi, J. Yang, N. Kabiri, Y. Kitamura, S. Managi, I. Miyazawa, S. Olsen, T. Tasaki, T. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida and Y. Hayakawa. 2014. "Integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into a Post-2015 Development Agendas”, Sustainability 6(4), 1761-1775.

arrow Tsurumi, T., Managi, S. 2014. "The Effect of Trade Openness on Deforestation: Empirical Analysis for 142 Countries”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 16 (4): 305-324.

arrow Kanie. N., Managi, S. 2014. "Stimulating 2015 Climate Deal: Governance of Low Carbon Technology Transfer”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 16 (2): 111-113.

arrow Miyama, E., Managi, S. 2014. "Global Environmental Emissions Estimate: Application of Multiple Imputation”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 16 (2): 115-135.


arrow Akao, K., S. Managi. 2013. “A Tradable Permit System in an Intertemporal Economy”, Environmental and Resource Economics 55 (3): 309-336.

arrow Tanaka, K., S. Managi. 2013. “Measuring Productivity Gains from Deregulation of the Japanese Urban Gas Industry”, The Energy Journal 34 (4): 181-198.

arrow Kagawa, S., Hubacek, K., Kataoka, M., Nansai, K., Managi, S., Suh, S. and Kudoh, Y. 2013. “Better Cars or Older Cars?: Assessing CO2 Emission Reduction Potential of Passenger Vehicle Replacement Programs”, Global Environmental Change 23 (6):1807-1818.

arrow Barros, C.P., Chen, Z., Managi, S., Antunes, O.S. 2013. "Examining the Cost Efficiency of Chinese Hydroelectric Companies Using a Finite Mixture Model" Energy Economics 36(1): 511-517.

arrow Ito, Y., S. Managi, and A. Matsuda. 2013. “Performances of Socially Responsible Investment and Environmentally Friendly Funds”, Journal of the Operational Research Society 64: 1583-1594.

arrow Ito, N., K. Takeuchi, S. Managi 2013. “Willingness-to-pay for Infrastructure Investments for Alternative Fuel Vehicles”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 18 (1): 1-8.

arrow Mensi, W., M. Beljid, A. Boubaker, S. Managi. 2013. “Correlations and Volatility Spillovers across Commodity and Stock Markets: Linking Energies, Food, and Gold”, Economic Modelling 32: 15-22. (Most Downloaded Articles, August-October 2013,

arrow Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2013. “Decomposition of Toxic Chemical Substance Management in three U.S. Manufacturing Sectors from 1991 to 2008”, Journal of Industrial Ecology 17 (3): 461-471.

arrow Managi, S., and T. Okimoto. 2013. “Does the Price of Oil Interact with Clean Energy Prices in the Stock Market?”, Japan and the World Economy 27: 1-9.

arrow Shoyama, K., S. Managi, and Y. Yamagata. 2013. “Public Preferences for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate-Change Mitigation: a Choice Experiment using Ecosystem Services Indicators”, Land Use Policy 34: 282-293.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2013. “Which Industry is Greener? An Empirical Study of Nine Industries in OECD Countries”, Energy Policy 57: 381-388.

arrow Baskaran, R., S. Managi, and M. Bendig. 2013. “Public Perspective on the Adoption of Microgeneration Technologies in New Zealand: A Multivariate Probit Approach”, Energy Policy 58: 177-188.

arrow Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2013. “Decomposition Analysis of Air Pollution Abatement in China: Empirical Study for Ten Industrial Sectors from 1998 to 2009”, Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (15): 22-31.

arrow Bhattacharya, T.R, S. Managi. 2013. “Contributions of the Private Sector to Global Biodiversity Protection: Case Study of the Fortune 500 Companies”, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 9(1): 65-86.

arrow Fujii, H., and S. Managi. 2013. “Determinants of Eco-efficiency in the Chinese Industrial Sector”, Journal of Environmental Sciences 25: S20-S26.

arrow Fujii, H., K. Iwata, S. Kaneko, S. Managi. 2013. “Corporate Environmental and Economic Performances of Japanese Manufacturing Firms: Empirical Study for Sustainable Development”, Business Strategy and Environment 22 (3): 187-201.

arrow Aruga, K. and S. Managi, S. 2013. “Linkage among the U.S. Energy Futures Markets”, International Journal of Global Energy Issues 36 (1): 13-26.

arrow Kaneko, S. H. Fujii, and S. Managi, S. 2013. “Wastewater Pollution Abatement in China: A Comparative Study of fifteen Industrial Sectors from 1998 to 2010”, Journal of Environmental Protection 4, 290-300.

arrow Ishinabe, N., H. Fujii, S. Managi. 2013. “The True Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Analysis of 1,000 Global Companies”, PLoS ONE 8(11): e78703.

arrow Barros, C.P. and S. Managi, S. 2013. “Do Pollutions Deter Foreign Direct Investment in China?”, International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics 30(3):37-45.


arrow Kerstens., K., S. Managi. 2012. "Total Factor Productivity Growth and Convergence in the Petroleum Industry: Empirical Analysis Testing for Convexity" International Journal of Production Economics 139 (1): 196-206.

arrow Barros, C.P., S. Managi, and R. Matousek. 2012. "The Technical Efficiency of the Japanese Banks: Non-Radial Directional Performance Measurement with Undesirable Output” Omega - The International Journal of Management Science 40 (1): 1-8.

arrow Kumar, S., Managi, S. and A. Matsuda, S. 2012. "Stock Prices of Clean Energy Firms, Oil and Carbon Markets: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis" Energy Economics 34 (1): 215-226.

arrow Managi, S., and T. Okimoto, and A. Matsuda. 2012. “Do Socially Responsible Investment Indexes Outperform Conventional Indexes?, Applied Financial Economics 22 (18): 1511-1527.

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi, S. 2012. “Productivity and Convergence in India: A State-Level Analysis”, Journal of Asian Economics 23 (5): 548-559.

arrow D’Amato, A., S. Managi, M. Mazzanti. 2012. “Economics of Waste Management and Disposal: Decoupling, Policy Enforcement and Spatial factors”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 14 (2): 323-325.

arrow Nakano, M. and S. Managi, S. 2012. “Waste Generations and Efficiency Measures in Japan”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 14 (2): 327-339.

arrow Numata, D. and S. Managi, S. 2012. “Demand for Refilled Reusable Products”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 14 (2): 421-436.

arrow Shinkuma, T. and S. Managi, S. 2012. “Enforcement Leverage of a Licensing System in Waste Management, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 14(2):123-145.

arrow Fujii, H. and S. Managi, S. 2012. “Productive Inefficiency Analysis and Toxic Chemical Substances in U.S. and Japanese Manufacturing Sectors" Asian Business & Management 11 (3): 291-310.

arrow Fujii, H., S. Managi, S. Kaneko. 2012. "A Water Resource Efficiency Analysis of the Chinese Industrial Sector”, Environmental Economics 3(3): 82-92.

arrow Aruga, K., Managi, S. 2012. "Testing the Effects of the Japanese Vehicle Emission-control Law on the International Palladium Futures Market”, Economics Bulletin 32 (2): 1198-1207.


arrow Shinkuma, T. and S. Managi, S. 2011. "A License Scheme: An Optimal Waste Management Policy under Asymmetric Information" Journal of Regulatory Economics 39 (2): 143-168.

arrow Kumar, S., S. Managi. 2011. Non-Separability and Substitutability among Water Pollutants: Evidence from India, Environment and Development Economics 16 (6): 709-733.

arrow Tanaka K., S. Managi, K. Kondo. K. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto. 2011. "Potential Climate Effect on Japanese Rice Productivity" Climate Change Economics 2 (3): 237-255.

arrow Yagi, M. and S. Managi, S. 2011. "Catch Limits, Capacity Utilization and Cost Reduction in Japanese Fishery Management" Agricultural Economics 42 (5): 577-592.

arrow Fujii, H., Managi, S., and H. Kawahara, S. 2011. “The Pollution Release and Transfer Register System in the U.S. and Japan: An Analysis of Productivity" Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (12): 1330-1338.

arrow Barros, C.P., Managi, S. and Y. Yoshida. 2011. “Heterogeneity on the Technical Efficiency in Japanese Airports" The Singapore Economic Review 56 (4): 523-534.

arrow Aruga, K. and S. Managi. 2011. “Testing the International Linkage in the Platinum-group Metal Futures Markets" Resources Policy 36 (4): 339-345.

arrow Aruga, K. and S. Managi. 2011. “Price Linkages in the Copper Futures, Primary, and Scrap Markets" Resources, Conservation & Recycling 56 (1): 43-47.

arrow Hibki, A. and S. Managi. 2011. " Does the Housing Market Respond to Information Disclosure?: Effects of Toxicity Indices in Japan" Journal of Environmental Management 92 (1): 165-171.

arrow Fukuyama, H., Yoshida, Y., and S. Managi, S. 2011. “Modal Choice between Air and Rail: A Social Efficiency Benchmarking Analysis that considers CO2 Emissions" Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 13 (2): 89-102.

arrow Karemera, D., Managi, S., Reuben, L., and Spann, O. 2011. "The Impacts of Exchange Rate Volatility on Vegetable Trade Flows" Applied Economics 43 (13): 1607-1616.

arrow Assaf, A., Barros, C.P., and S. Managi, S. 2011. "Cost Efficiency of Japanese Steam Power Generation Companies: A Bayesian Comparison of Random and Fixed Frontier Models" Applied Energy 88 (4): 1441-1446.

arrow Aruga, K. and S. Managi. 2011. “Tests on Price linkage between the U.S. and Japanese Gold and Silver Futures Markets” Economics Bulletin 31(2): 1038-1046.


arrow Hibiki, A. and S. Managi. 2010. "Environmental Information Provision, Market Valuation and Firm Incentives: Empirical Study on Japanese PRTRs." Land Economics 86 (2): 382-393.

arrow Fujii, H., Kaneko, S., Managi, S. 2010. "Changes in Environmentally Sensitive Productivity and Technological Modernization in China’s Iron and Steel Industry in the 1990s”, Environmental and Development Economics 15 (4): 485-504.

arrow Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2010. "Does Energy Substitution Affect Carbon Dioxide Emissions-Income Relationship?" Journal of The Japanese and International Economies24(4): 540-551.

arrow Managi, S. 2010. “Productivity Measures and Effects from Subsidies and Trade: An Empirical Analysis for Japan’s Forestry" Applied Economics 42 (30): 3871-3883.

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2010. "Sulfur Dioxide Allowances: Trading and Technological Progress" Ecological Economics 69 (3): 623-631.

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2010. "Environment and Productivities in Developed and Developing Countries: The Case of Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide" Journal of Environmental Management 91 (7): 1580-1592.

arrow Shinkuma, T. and S. Managi. 2010. "On the Effectiveness of a License Scheme for E-waste Recycling: The Challenge of China and India " Environmental Impact Assessment Review 30 (4): 262-267.

arrow Barros, C.P., Managi, S. and Y. Yoshida. 2010. "Productivity Growth and Biased Technological Change in Japanese Airports" Transport Policy 17 (4): 259-265.

arrow Tsurumi, T., Managi, S. 2010. "Decomposition of the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Scale, Technique, and Composition Effects”, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 11 (1): 19-36.
(Most Downloaded Article over 2010 -)

arrow Nakano, M. and Managi, S. 2010. "The Productivity Analysis with CO2 Emissions in Japan" Pacific Economic Review15 (5): 708-718.

arrow Barros, C.P., Managi, S. and Y. Yoshida. 2010. "Technical Efficiency, Regulation, and Heterogeneity in Japanese Airports" Pacific Economic Review 15 (5): 685-695.

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2010. "Service Quality and Performance Measurement: Evidence from the Indian Water Sector" International Journal of Water Resources Development26 (2): 161-179.

arrow Managi, S. and S.M. Bwalya. 2010. "Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Spillovers in Sub-Saharan Africa" Applied Economics Letters 17(6): 605-608.


arrow Managi., S., Hibki, A. and T. Tsurumi 2009. "Does Trade Openness Improve Environmental Quality?" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58 (3): 346-363.
(Most Downloaded Article over October 2009 - September 2010 Academic Year)

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2009. "Energy Price-Induced and Exogenous Technological Change: Assessing the Economic and Environmental Outcomes" Resource and Energy Economics 31 (4) 334-353.

arrow Managi, S. and S. Kumar. 2009. "Trade-Induced Technological Change: Analyzing Economic and Environmental Outcomes " Economic Modelling 26(3): 721-732.

arrow Managi, S. and S. Kaneko. 2009. "Environmental Performance and Returns to Pollution Abatement in China" Ecological Economics 68(6): 1643-1651.

arrow Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2009. "Compensation for Environmental Services and Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: The Case of India" Ecological Economics 68 (12): 3052-3059.

arrow Rock, M., J.T. Murphy, R. Rasiah, P. van Seters, and S. Managi. 2009. "A Hard Slog, not a Leap frog: Globalization and Sustainability Transitions in Developing Asia" Technological Forecasting and Social Change 76(2): 241-254.

arrow Barros, C.P. and S. Managi. 2009. "Regulation, Pollution and Heterogeneity in Japanese Steam Power Generation Companies" Energy Policy 37(8): 3109-3114.

arrow Barros, C.P., and S. Managi. 2009. "Productivity Assessment of Angola's Oil Blocks" Energy 34 (11): 2009-2015.

arrow Barros, C.P., S. Managi, and R. Matousek. 2009. "Productivity Growth and Biased Technological Change: Credit Banks in Japan" Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 19 (5) 924-936.

arrow Kaneko, S. and S. Managi, H. Fujii, and T. Tsurumi. 2009. "Does an Environmental Kuznets Curve for Waste Pollution Exist in China?." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 9(1/2): 4-19.

arrow Tsurumi, T. and S. Managi. 2009. "World Emissions and Economic Growth: Application of Nonparametric Methods." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 9(1/2): 69-83.


arrow Managi, S. Y. Yamamoto, H. Iwamoto, and K. Masuda. 2008. “Valuing the Influence of Underlying Attitudes and the Demand for Organic Milk in Japan." Agricultural Economics 39(3): 339-348.

arrow Managi, S. and P.R. Jena. 2008. "Environmental Productivity and Kuznets Curve in India" Ecological Economics 65, 2(1): 432-440.

arrow Barros , C.P., Ibiwoye, A., and Managi, S. 2008. "Productivity Change of Nigerian Insurance Companies: 1994-2005" African Development Review 20(3): 505-528.

arrow Managi, S. and S. Kaneko. 2008. "Determinants of Plant Dynamics: Empirical Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia, 1990-2000." World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 4 (4): 273-290.

arrow Nakano, M. and Managi, S. 2008. "Regulatory Reforms and Productivity: An Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Electricity Industry" Energy Policy 36 (1): 201-209.

arrow Kotani, K., S. Managi, and K. Tanaka. 2008. "Further Investigations of Framing Effects on Cooperative Choices in a Provision Point Mechanism." Economics Bulletin, 3 (51): 19.


arrow Akao, K. and S. Managi. 2007. "The Feasibility and Optimality of Sustainable Growth under Materials Balance." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31 (11): 3778-3790.

arrow Sakai, K., S. Managi, N. Vitanov, and K. Demura. 2007. "Transition of Chaotic Motion to Limit Cycle by Intervention of Economic Policy: An Empirical Analysis." Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Sciences 11 (2): 253-265.

arrow Managi, S. 2007. "Maritime Shipping Industry and Productivity in Japan" Maritime Economics and Logistics 9 (4): 291-301.

arrow Vitanov, N., Sakai, K., I.P. Jordanov, S. Managi, and K. Demura. 2007. "Analysis of a Japan Government Intervention on the Domestic Agriculture Market." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 382 (1): 330-335.

arrow Managi, S. and P.R. Jena 2007. "Productivity and Environment in India." Economics Bulletin 17 (1): 1-14.

arrow Syahyadia, S. Kaneko, and S. Managi. 2007. "Income Inequality Changes during periods of Economic Recovery in Indonesia." Empirical Economics Letters 6(4): 307-313.


arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2006 " Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Total Factor Productivity in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry." Ecological Economics 60 (1): 204-215.

arrow Managi, S. 2006. "Are There Increasing Returns to Pollution Abatement? Empirical Analytics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Pesticides." Ecological Economics 58 (3): 617-636.

arrow Managi, S. and S. Kaneko. 2006. "Productivity of Market and Environmental Abatement in China." Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 7 (4): 459-470.

arrow Managi, S. and S. Kaneko. 2006. "Economic Growth and Environment in China: an Empirical Analysis of Productivity." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 6 (1): 89-133.

arrow Managi, S. 2006. "Environment, Economic Growth, and the International Trade in High-and Low-Income Countries." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 6(4): 320-330.

arrow Managi, S. 2006. “Pollution, Natural Resource and Economic Growth: an Econometric Analysis” International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 6 (1): 73-88.

arrow Akao, K. and S. Managi. 2006. " Endogenous Growth with Material Balance Principle." International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 6 (1): 4-28.

arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2006. "Alternative Innovation Indexes in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry." Applied Economics Letters 13 (10): 659-663.


arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2005. "Environmental Regulations and Technological Change in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry." Land Economics 81 (2): 303-319.

arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2005. "Technological Change and Petroleum Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico." Energy Policy 33 (5): 619-632.

arrow Managi, S. and D. Karemera 2005. " Trade and Environmental Damage in U.S. Agriculture." World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 2(2): 168-190.

arrow Managi, S. and D. Karemera 2005. "The Effects of Environment & Technology on Agricultural Export." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 4 (1): 45-63.

arrow Managi, S., H. Kawajiri, and T. Tsurumi. 2005. “Regional Economic Integration and Trade: An Empirical Evaluation of NAFTA and EU." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 4 (1): 1-23.


arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2004. "Technological Change and Depletion in Offshore Oil and Gas." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47 (2): 388-409.

arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2004 "Forecasting Energy Supply and Pollution from the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry." Marine Resource Economics 19 (3): 307-332. (論文)

arrow Managi, S. 2004. “Competitiveness and Environmental Policies for Agriculture: Testing the Porter Hypothesis." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 3 (3/4): 310-324.

arrow Sakai, K., S. Managi, and K. Demura. 2004. “Complexity of Agricultural Commodity Cycle: A Chaotic Time Series Analysis." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 3 (3/4): 266-287.

arrow Kaneko, S., Tanaka, K., T. Toyoda, and Managi, S. 2004. “Water Efficiency of Agricultural Production in China: Regional Comparison during 1999-2002." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 3 (3/4): 231-251.

arrow Aoyagi, S., and S. Managi. 2004. “The Impact of Subsidies on Efficiency and Production: Empirical Test of Forestry in Japan." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 3 (3/4): 216-230.

Toyoda, T., and S. Managi. 2004. “Environmental Policies for Agriculture in Europe." International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 3 (3/4): 175-192.

arrow Kaneko, S and S. Managi. 2004. "Environmental Productivity in China." Economics Bulletin 17(2): 1-10.

arrow Managi, S. 2004. "Trade Liberalization and the Environment: Carbon Dioxide for 1960-1999." Economics Bulletin 17 (1): 1-6.

arrow Managi, S. and D. Karemera. 2004. "Input and Output Biased Technological Change in U.S. Agriculture." Applied Economics Letters 11 (5): 283-286.

arrow Managi, S. 2003. "Luenberger and Malmquist Productivity Indices in Japan, 1955-1995." Applied Economics Letters 10 (9): 581-584.

arrow Managi, S. 2003. "Japan’s Postwar Productivity Analyses." Empirical Economics Letters 2 (1). 22-30.

arrow Managi, S., and H. Imura. 1998. “Optimization of Urban Infrastructure Systems Considering Environmental Impact and Cost." Environmental Systems Research 26: 649-654.

Chapter in Books

arrow Behling, N., Williams, M.C., and Managi S. (2015). “Japan’s Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Society Policy: Creating Opportunities for Economic Growth”. Fuel Cell Development Information Center Journal (FCDIC) 15 (2): 59-68.

arrow Somanathan E., T. Sterner, T. Sugiyama, D. Chimanikire, J. Essandoh-Yeddu, S. Fifita, L. Goulder, A. Jaffe, X. Labandeira, S. Managi, C. Mitchell, J.P. Montero, F. Teng, and T. Zylicz, 2014: National and Sub-national Policies and Institutions. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Edenhofer, O., R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, E. Farahani, S. Kadner, K. Seyboth, A. Adler, I. Baum, S. Brunner, P. Eickemeier, B. Kriemann, J. Salvolainen, S. Schloemer, C. von Stechow, T. Zwickel and J. Minx (eds.)]. Page 1141-1206. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

arrow Matsukawa I., Tanaka K., Managi S. (2015). “Market Power in Bilateral Oligopoly: Experimental Evidence from Emissions Trading”. In Progress in Economics Research. Volume 31 Editors: Albert Tavidze, NOVA Publishers.

arrow Managi, S. (2015) Chapter 14 "Strengthening Scientists and Engineers Appreciation of the Real World", pp. 245-258. Tanaka, Yasumitsu, Norton, Michael, Li, Yu-You (Eds.) “Topical Themes in Energy and Resources: A Cross-Disciplinary Education and Training Program for Environmental Leaders", Springer.

arrow Managi, S., Zheng Zhang and Shinya Horie. 2015. Chapter 2: A real options approach to environmental R&Dproject evaluation, George Halkos (Eds.) Environment and Development Economics, ASERS Publishings ISBN: 978-606-93490-3-8.

arrow Qi, Y., Managi, S., and Tsurumi, T. 2013. "The Effectiveness of Pollution-Control Policies in China”, (Ed.) Joyce Yanyun Man, China’s Environmental Policy and Urban Development, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge USA.

arrow Managi, S. 2012. Introduction, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Kabaya, K. and S. Managi, 2012. Sustainable Use of Ecosystem Services, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Bhattacharya, T.R. and S. Managi, 2012. History of the CBD, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Tsurumi, T., K. Kuramashi and S. Managi, 2012. Determinants of Happiness: Environmental Degradation and Attachment to Nature, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Higashida, K., K. Tanaka and S. Managi, 2012. Evaluation of Offset Schemes with A Laboratory Experiment, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Kabaya, K. and S. Managi, 2012. Project Portfolio Analysis on The Global Ecosystem Restoration, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Aruga, K. and S. Managi, 2012. Diversity on Fisheries: Price Volatilities in Japanese Market, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Aruga, K. and S. Managi, 2012. Market Delineation among The Japanese Retail Fish Market, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Kabaya, K. and S. Managi, 2012. Towards Biodiversity Conservation, S. Managi (Eds.) The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Routledge, New York, USA.

arrow Managi, S., 2011. "Promoting Green Technology Development in Japan: Policy Experience and Lessons for Korea”, Climate Change and Green Growth, Korea.

arrow Qi, Y., Managi, S., and Tsurumi, T. 2011. "Effectiveness of pollution control policies in China”, Lincoln Institute.

arrow Managi, S., 2010. "Green Innovation: Incentives for R&D, Technological change and Environment”, Green Korea 2010.

arrow Kumar, S, and Managi, S., 2009. "The Potential for LCE in India: Industry and Transportation Sectors”, Low Carbon Society, Earthscan.

arrow Ding, A, and Managi, S., 2009. "Assessment on the Effect of Pollution Abatement on Environmental Efficiency with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation”, Sustainable Development and Planning, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 120, pp. 581-589, UK, Southampton.

arrow Managi, S., 2008. "Chapter 3.12. Productivity from Ecological Viewpoint” in Social and Economic Potential of Sustainable Development. 206-212, (Eds., Luc Hens and Leonid Melnyk), Summy University Book.

arrow Managi, S., 2007. "Pesticides, Regulations, and Productivity” in Pesticide Research Trends, (Eds., Frank Columbus), Nova Science Publishers 2007.

arrow Managi, S., 2007. "Chapter 25. Ecology and Productivity” in (International Textbook) (Eds., Leonid Melnyk and Luc Hens), Publishing & Trading House University Book 2007. (Translated in Russian) ГЛАВА25. ПРОДУКТИВНОСТЬ С ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ ТОЧКИ ЗРЕНИЯ. pp. 622-641.

arrow Managi, S., 2007. " Chapter 16 - Ecological Productivity: Definition and Applications” in Ecological Economics Research Trend, (Eds., Carolyn C. Pertsova), Nova Science Publishers 2007. Chapter-16, pp. 325-336. ISBN 1-60021-941-2

arrow Managi, S. 2006. “Energy Forecasting in USA: Policy Implications for China.” Collection of the Paper s of Shanghai Forum 2005, Fudan University Press, pp.165-181.

arrow Onozuka, Y., H. Uchida, T. Morita, S. Managi, 2010. Uninformed or Uninterested? Survey Examined Japanese Consumer' Interest in Sustainable Seafood, Global Aquaculture Advocate, 58-60.

arrow Ibiwoye, A., and Managi, S. 2010. "Productivity Change of Nigerian Insurance Companies: 1994-2005" Yokohama Management Review, 30(2): 243-254.

arrow Managi, S. 2007. “The impacts of rising energy prices on technological progress.” A study of Japanese corporate perspectives in an era of high oil prices, Research commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

arrow Managi, S. and Kaneko, S. 2005. “Energy and Environmental Productivity Change in China.” 28th IAEE International Conference.

arrow Managi, S., Horio, M., Noda, R., and Sakai, T. 2004. “Optimal Technological Choices in Meeting Energy Policy Goals in Japan” 10th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering.

arrow Managi, S. Aoyagi, S. and Horio, M. 2004. “Evaluation and Policy Analysis of Japanese Forestry: Productivity Management and Energy Supply.” 10th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering.

arrow Managi, S. and Kaneko, S. 2004. “Analysis of Technologies in Economy and Environmental Sectors in China.” 10th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering.

arrow Managi, S.. 2004. “Resource Depletion and Environmental Policy: Hybrid Modeling of Economics and Engineering Approaches.” 10th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering.

arrow Karemera, D., Managi, S., and Davis, B. 2004. A Gravity Model Analysis of OECD Vegetable Trade Flows and Policy Implications. Third Global Conference on Business and Economics Proceedings.

arrow Managi, S. Aoyagi, S. and Horio, M. 2004. “Dynamic Analysis of Japanese Forestry for Renewable Energy Policies” The 8th World Renewable Energy Congress Proceedings.

arrow Managi, S., Horio, M., Noda, R., and Sakai, T. 2004. “Evaluating Alternative Technologies in Meeting Energy Policy Goals in Japan: Financing Biomass & Waste to Energy Plants” The 8th World Renewable Energy Congress Proceedings

arrow Managi, S. 2003. “Regional Integration and Environmental Policy: A Gravity Model Approach" The 2003 International Business & Economics Research Conference Proceedings.

arrow Managi, S. 2003. “Competitiveness and Environmental Regulations" Southeastern Institute of Operations Research and Management Science Conference Proceedings.

arrow Managi, S. 2003. “Trade, Technology, and Environment: Theory and Application in U.S. Agriculture" Southeastern Institute of Operations Research and Management Science Conference Proceedings.

arrow Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2003. “Environmental Protection and Endogenous Technical Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis" Technical Report for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA Agreement Number: R826610).

arrow _____ 2002. " An Analysis of the Productivity of Oil and Gas Operations in the Gulf of Mexico" International Association for Energy Economics North American Conference Proceedings.

arrow _____ 2002. "Forecasting the Energy Supply and Pollution: Policy Scenario Analysis" International Association for Energy Economics North American Conference Proceedings.

arrow Opaluch, J.J., S. Managi, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas. 2002. "Environmental Protection and Endogenous. Technical Change."2002 EPA Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy Progress Review Workshop Proceeding, Washington, DC.

arrow Managi, S., H. Imura, T. Matsumoto, and R. Fujikura. 1998. "Optimization of Sewerage System Considering Costs and Environmental Impacts." Western Japan Association of Civil Engineering Conference Proceedings. (in Japanese)

arrow 山口臨太郎, 大久保和宣, 佐藤真行, 篭橋一輝, 馬奈木俊介 2016. 新しい富の指標計測:持続可能性計測研究の過去と未来, 環境経済・政策研究 (印刷中).

arrow 玉置哲也、中村寛樹、馬奈木俊介2015. 環境資源制約下におけるSDGsのあり方と持続可能性, OECC,2015年

arrow 馬奈木俊介,亀山康子 2015. 資源の持続的な利用, pp.1-10. 亀山康子,馬奈木俊介(編著)『資源を未来につなぐ』岩波書店,2016年

arrow 馬奈木俊介 2015. 経済学からみた資源利用, pp.11-29. 亀山康子,馬奈木俊介(編著)『資源を未来につなぐ』岩波書店,2016年

arrow 堀江進也、馬奈木俊介 2015. 持続可能な災害復興戦略, 環境経済・政策研究8(2) pp.35-38.

arrow 馬奈木俊介 2015. 政策運営に挑む 環境経済学: 多種多様な環境問題を分析する,『経済セミナー』「増刊号」「これからの経済学」pp.130-131.

arrow 田中健太、馬奈木俊介 2015. 特集論文 公益事業と競争. エネルギー産業における効果的な規制緩和のための技術の活用─新たな経済学的知見を活用した制度設計のあり方─, Nextcom誌22号 pp.16-22.

arrow 第6章 震災と経済学: 経済学は何を学び,何をすべきか, 座長 直井道生; パネリスト 齊藤誠, 大垣昌夫, 馬奈木俊介, 阿部修人, pp. 187-234, 神取 道宏, 澤田 康幸, 塩路 悦朗, 照山 博司編『現代経済学の潮流2015』東洋経済新報社.

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介, 2015. 社会基盤政策と環境政策, 勁草書房. 高崎経済大学地域政策研究センター編著. pp. 71-84.

arrow 畠瀬 和志, 馬奈木俊介, 2015. CO2排出シナリオの経済性評価について,  エネルギービジョン 地球温暖化抑制のシナリオ, 海文堂出版 湯原 哲夫、氏田 博士 編著. pp. 75-98.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2015. 生物多様性及び生態系サービスの評価, 生物多様性及び生態系サービスの経済評価, 独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構(JST)研究開発戦略センター(CRDS)「2015 年 研究開発の俯瞰報告書(環境・エネルギー分野)」第3章「研究開発領域」, pp.541-548.

arrow 倉増啓, 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 2014. 温暖化対策のコベネフィットに関する考察, 環境共生 25: 3-11.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2014.これからの市場と環境・エネルギー技術, 『NETT』一般財団法人北海道東北地域経済総合研究所機関紙 No.85. 2014 Summer pp.18-21.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2014. 巻頭言「東西南北」生物多様性との共存『農業と経済』2014年10月号 80 (9): 3.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2014.環境対策の経済的手法, 東北大学広報誌 まなびの杜 2014 夏号, No 68. 05.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2014.持続可能社会へ向けた新しい環境経営指標, 環境知性を暮らしと仕事に生かす 環境会議, 宣伝会議 2014春,194-199.

arrow 吉田友美,馬奈木俊介, 2013. 持続可能な社会を支援するシステム分析, 環境科学会誌26(6): 538-542.

arrow 齊藤大地,堀江進也,馬奈木俊介, 2013. 持続可能な未来都市経済における資源循環戦略, 環境科学会誌26(6): 556-561.

arrow 鶴見哲也,倉増啓,馬奈木俊介. 2013. 幸福度アプローチによる金銭価値評価─主観的幸福度と原子力発電所,環境科学会誌26(6): 571-578.

arrow 観山恵理子, Yang Jue,馬奈木俊介, 2013. 持続可能性評価のためのグローバル・ データ分析―多重代入法を用いたEKCの推計とGSの算出―, 環境科学会誌26(6): 579-586.

arrow 倉増啓, 馬奈木俊介, 2013. 持続可能な発展へ─グリーン市場のための新指標, 環境情報科学42 (3) : 25-30.

arrow 石鍋渚, 馬奈木俊介, 2013. 世界の化学製品製造業47企業によるGHG排出量を考慮した生産効率性分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集41: 1-5.

arrow 田中健太, 大塚美保, 馬奈木俊介, 2013. 津波被災農地を対象とした土壌浄化方法に対する消費者選好の分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集41: 227-232.

arrow 関藤麻衣, 田中健太, 馬奈木俊介, 金子慎治, 2013. 太陽光発電システム購入の意思決定速度に関する実証分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集41: 285-290.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2013. グリーン・エコノミーと技術進歩. 環境経済・政策研究 6 (1): 1-5.

arrow 倉増啓,馬奈木俊介, 2013. 主観的幸福度と環境保護, 環境研究 169: 53-59.

arrow 斉藤誠・馬奈木俊介・山内直人・山本勲×佐藤嘉倫・中室牧子・瀧川裕貴[編] 2013. 自然災害の経済学―東日本大震災から何を学ぶか―, 経済セミナー4・5月号.

arrow 森田玉雪、馬奈木俊介、山本公香. 2013. 大震災と地域活動―地域活動への参加意欲, 山梨国際研究紀要 8: 93-102

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2013. 3月. 炭素制約下の生産性分析. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2013. 持続可能な戦略的環境経営. プラントエンジニア, 2: 6-11

arrow 関藤麻衣, 馬奈木俊介, 金子慎治, 2012. 追加的LCA情報が購入行動に与える影響, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集40, 303-308

arrow 尾沼広基, 宮本拓郎, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 日本の有害大気汚染物質自主管理計画におけるジクロロメタン排出量削減効果の実証分析, 環境システム研究論文集40, 189-196.

arrow 尾沼広基, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 人間は災害を克服できるのか?, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集40, 71-74.

arrow 藤井秀道, 佐々木稔, 馬奈木俊介, 金子慎治. 2012. 環境規制と廃水処理技術による水質改善の発展段階の特定-自己組織化マップによる実証分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集40 21-27.

arrow 岩田和之、馬奈木俊介、金子慎治, 2012. 省エネ住宅設備の購入行動の経済分析, 国際協力研究誌 19(1):1-12.

arrow 倉増啓, 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 国内でのサーベイデータを用いた幸福度と環境保護への支払意思に関する計量分析, 環境共生 21: 30-37.

arrow 関藤麻衣, 馬奈木俊介, 金子慎治, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. CVMによる消費者の心理的要因を考慮した環境配慮製品・政策・ライフスタイルに関する需要分析, 環境共生21:46-55.

arrow 田中健太, 松川勇, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 生産性分析による電力自由化と安定供給に関する分析, 社会経済研究.

arrow 藤井秀道, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 国内製造業10業種のCO2排出量を考慮した生産性分析, 社会経済研究.

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 原油価格の変動による排出権価格への影響―VARモデルによる分析―, 地域学研究.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 将来自動車と高速道路のあり方,  高速道路と自動車 55(4): 12.

arrow 蒲谷景, 馬奈木俊介, 2012. グローバルな生態系復元に関するプロジェクト・ポートフォリオ分析, 環境共生 19.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 持続可能な発展のための経済分析手法の提案と実証, 環境科学会誌 25(1): 48-50.

arrow 岩田和之、藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介, 2012. 環境規制の対象地域外へ影響:自動車NOx・PM 法の車種規制を事例に, 環境経済政策研究 5(1): 21-33.

arrow 森田玉雪, 馬奈木俊介, 岡本薫, 2012. 保護者が求める小中学校 ―良い義務教育学校への支払い意欲―,  山梨県立大学国際政策学部紀要.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2012. 3月. 排出量取引市場の取引メカニズム:経済実験による分析. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2011. COP17と今後の環境・エネルギー・資源戦略, RIETI コラム

arrow 尾沼広基、藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介, 2011. CO2排出量変化要因の多国間比較-鉄鋼業と機械製造業の事例研究, 環境研究発表会論文集 25: 371-376.

arrow 蒲谷景, 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 生態系サービスの持続的利用, 2-20, 馬奈木俊介, 地球環境戦略研究機関(編), 『生物多様性の経済学』, 昭和堂

arrow 倉増啓,鶴見哲也,赤尾健一,馬奈木俊介, 2011. 生物多様性保全における支払意思, 70-97, 馬奈木俊介, 地球環境戦略研究機関(編), 『生物多様性の経済学』, 昭和堂

arrow 倉増啓,鶴見哲也,馬奈木俊介, 2011. 幸福度と環境保護への支払意思の関係性, 98-112, 馬奈木俊介, 地球環境戦略研究機関(編), 『生物多様性の経済学』, 昭和堂

arrow 蒲谷景, 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 生態系と生物多様性の生産性分析, 113-132, 馬奈木俊介, 地球環境戦略研究機関(編), 『生物多様性の経済学』, 昭和堂

arrow 田中健太,東田啓作,馬奈木俊介, 2011. オフセット制度の経済実験, 172-193, 馬奈木俊介, 地球環境戦略研究機関(編), 『生物多様性の経済学』, 昭和堂

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 生物多様性の保全に向けて, 240-252, 馬奈木俊介, 地球環境戦略研究機関(編), 『生物多様性の経済学』, 昭和堂

arrow 藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介、川原博満, 2011. VOC排出量を考慮した国内製造業の生産性分析, 計画行政.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 低炭素社会への道:政策とビジネスとのリンケージ, 公営企業 6: 18-24.

arrow 岩田和之、馬奈木俊介, 2011. コンパクトシティは環境改善に繋がるか?全国市町村データを用いた実証分析, 環境科学会誌.

arrow 倉増啓・鶴見哲也・馬奈木俊介, 2011. 生物多様性保全に関する環境意識の決定要因~ミレニアム開発目標との関係性において, 環境科学会誌.

arrow 藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介、金子慎治、西谷公孝、小松悟, 2011. 環境規制に伴う機会費用評価分析‐VOC排出に着目した国内製造業7業種の比較研究‐, 第39回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集, 93-98

arrow 松﨑嵩史、藤井秀道、馬奈木俊介、金子慎治, 2011. 廃水処理技術の開発と普及‐国内企業の実証分析‐, 第39回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集, 73-77

arrow 田中健太、小谷浩示、馬奈木俊介, 2011. 経済実験による排出量取引市場の取引メカニズムの評価, 環境科学会誌.

arrow 藤井秀道、八木迪幸、馬奈木俊介、金子慎治, 2011. 国内製造業の環境技術特許と財務パフォーマンスの因果関係性分析, 環境科学会誌 24(2): 114-122.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2011.生物多様性と生態系サービスの経済分析, 季刊 環境研究, 第161 号, 87-94.

arrow 森田玉雪, 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 自治体における教育効果の要因分析,  山梨県立大学国際政策学部紀要, 6: 129-138.

arrow 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 経済成長と環境:実証的観点から, 細田衛士(編集), 『環境経済学』ミネルヴァ書房.

arrow 岩田和之、馬奈木俊介、有村俊秀, 2011. 企業の自主的取り組みと環境経営, 細田衛士(編集), 『環境経済学』ミネルヴァ書房.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2011. 3月. 都市ガス事業への規制緩和の効果. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 藤井秀道, 伊藤豊,馬奈木俊介, 2010. OECD23カ国の化学製品製造業におけるCO2排出量を考慮した環境生産性分析, 環境情報科学論文集 24: 457-462.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 田中健太, 鶴見哲也, 2010. 化石燃料・金属鉱物資源の効率的利用可能性:資源生産性推計の提案, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 139-144.

arrow 田中健太,馬奈木俊介, 2010. エコカー減税のCO2削減の効果, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 333-338.

arrow 伊藤豊,馬奈木俊介, 2010. 燃料電池自動車と電気自動車の普及に伴う費用便益分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 271-276.

arrow Yagi, M., K. Tanaka, S. Managi, S. Kaneko, H. Shirakawa. 2010. Water Efficiency of Industrial Sector in China , 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 221-226.

arrow 藤井秀道, 馬奈木俊介, 2010. 米国製造業の汚染対策費用と化学物質削減対策, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 227-232.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2010. 【シンクタンクリポート】低炭素社会に向けた技術マネジメント戦略(下)Fuji Sankei Business i. 6/19.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2010. 【シンクタンクリポート】低炭素社会に向けた技術マネジメント戦略(上)Fuji Sankei Business i. 6/18.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2010.望ましい国内排出量取引制度の提案, RIETI Report No.119., Proposal for a Desirable Domestic Emissions Trading System.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2010. 環境技術の進歩を促す政策とは. 環境工学連合講演会講演論文集. 41-46

arrow 岩田和之,馬奈木俊介, 2010. 環境政策における市場の機能と予算配分, 環境科学会誌 23(6): 511-513.

arrow 馬奈木俊介,石川雅紀,山口恵子,小島理沙, 2010. 環境にやさしい商品による差別化は可能か?, 環境科学会誌 23(5):394-399.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 石川雅紀, 山口恵子, 小島理沙. 2010. 環境にやさしい商品による差別化は可能か?, 環境科学会誌.

arrow 倉増啓, 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 林希一郎. 2010. 主観的幸福度指標と環境汚染:国内でのサーベイデータを用いた計量分析, 環境科学会誌.

arrow 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 日引聡. 2010. 国際貿易とエネルギー利用, 環境経済・政策研究.

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介, 松田あきみ. 2010. DEAによるファンド・オブ・ファンズのポートフォリオ分析,  横浜国際社会科学研究.

arrow 沼田大輔, 馬奈木俊介. 2010. デポジット制度がリユースペットボトルの需要に及ぼす影響, 環境科学会誌.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2010. CO2を減らせ. 温暖化対策の進展と原子力発電ビジネス, Enelogy, 4: 6-7.

arrow 大西学, 馬奈木俊介. 2010. ITQの検証 ?ニュージーランドにおける実証分析?, 寶多康弘,馬奈木俊介(編集), 『資源経済学への招待―ケーススタディとしての水産業』ミネルヴァ書房.

arrow 森田玉雪, 馬奈木俊介. 2010. 水産エコラベリングの発展可能性―ウェブ調査による需要分析, 寶多康弘,馬奈木俊介(編集), 『資源経済学への招待―ケーススタディとしての水産業』ミネルヴァ書房.

arrow 八木迪幸, 馬奈木俊介. 2010. 日本の漁業における費用削減の可能性, 寶多康弘,馬奈木俊介(編集), 『資源経済学への招待―ケーススタディとしての水産業』ミネルヴァ書房.

arrow 横山知沙, 馬奈木俊介. 2010. 海面養殖の可能性, 寶多康弘,馬奈木俊介(編集), 『資源経済学への招待―ケーススタディとしての水産業』ミネルヴァ書房.

arrow 田中健太, 馬奈木俊介. 2010. エネルギー価格と技術進歩:距離関数を利用した世界規模での分析, 横浜国際社会科学研究.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2010. 3月. エネルギー価格と排出権取引制度の関係. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介, 松田あきみ. 2009. SRIファンドのパフォーマンス分析, 環境経済・政策研究 2 (2): 1-11.

arrow 伊藤豊, 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. バイオ燃料の貿易分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 181-185.

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 環境記事が企業の株価に与える影響, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 163-168.

arrow 岩田愛美, 田中健太, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 化学物質排出量の決定要因分析, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 107-111.

arrow 田中健太, 馬奈木俊介, 藤井秀道, 黒沢厚志. 2009. セクター別アプローチ導入によるCO2削減効果‐鉄鋼業と紙・パルプ産業の事例‐, 環境システム研究論文発表会講演集: 275-279.

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 造林補助金が林業に与える影響, 横浜国際社会科学研究 14 (3): 43-48.

arrow 倉増啓, 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 幸福と環境水準~主観的幸福度指標の適用~, 環境科学会誌 22 (5): 362-369.

arrow 八木迪幸, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 日本漁業における費用削減の可能性:Catch Limitの実証分析,  日本水産学会誌, 75(6): 1079-1080.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 田中健太. 2009. ガス産業における環境効率性, 都市ガス産業の総合分析, 213-228, 竹中康治(編集), NTT出版.

arrow 伊藤豊, 馬奈木俊介, 寺園 淳. 2008. 環境経済学の到達点と今後, 環境科学会誌 22(2): 103-111.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 3月. 環境効率性のガス産業への応用. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2009. クリーン開発メカニズムの経済的分析, 横浜経営研究 29(4).

arrow 中野牧子, 馬奈木俊介. 2009. 電力産業における潜在的競争圧力と生産性, 経済政策ジャーナル 6 (1)

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 山本佳世子. 2008. 環境科学の到達点と今後, 環境科学会誌 21: 479-480.

arrow 田中健太, 中野牧子, 馬奈木俊介. 2008. 公共交通機関の有効活用によるCO2削減の可能性, 環境経済・政策研究 1(2): 76-87.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 八木迪幸. 2008. CSR と企業評価に関する分析, 環境科学会誌 21(3): 235-238.

arrow 赤尾健一, 草薙真一, 馬奈木俊介. 2008. 温暖化対策の中でのエネルギー生産・節約の経済評価, 環境経済・政策研究 1(1): 65-78.

arrow 八木迪幸, 馬奈木俊介. 2008. エネルギー技術進歩の要因分析, 計画行政 31(2): 79-84.

arrow 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 日引聡. 2008. 環境クズネッツ曲線仮説の再検討, 計画行政 31(2): 37-44.

arrow 八木迪幸, 馬奈木俊介. 2008. 環境規制と技術イノベーション: SOX・NOXにおける特許分析, 環境科学会誌 21(1): 3-15.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 2008. 排出権取引制度の評価, 横浜経営研究, 28(3-4): 203-209.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2008. 3月. CO2削減技術の発展:R&Dと環境規制の影響. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 鶴見哲也, 馬奈木俊介, 日引聡. 2007. 国際貿易と環境保護―浮遊粒子状物質を対象として―, 三田学会雑誌 100(3): 109-127.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2007. 経済学からみたCSR 「企業の立場から考えるCSR活動」 経済セミナー, 6月号, 日本評論社.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2007.エネルギー価格上昇の技術進歩へ与える影響, 「原油価格高騰時代における企業の経営判断に関する調査」平成18年度独立行政法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構受託調査報告書

arrow 日引聡, 島根哲哉, 馬奈木俊介. 2007. 廃棄物対策が家計のごみ排出削減に及ぼす影響に関する計量経済学的研究, 平成18年度廃棄物処理等科学研究総合研究報告書

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2007. 7月. CSR経営の実証分析, 第5章. 金融機関におけるCSR活動や環境配慮行動のあり方. pp. 69-84金融調査研究会報告書(38) /全国銀行協会.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2007. 3月. エネルギー産業における規制緩和の効果. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2007. 環境保全と社会発展に関する価値観についての分析, 横浜経営研究.

arrow 馬奈木俊介, 日引聡. 2006. 貿易自由化がSOx排出へ及ぼす影響の実証研究. 貿易と環境研究会/経済産業研究所.

arrow 中野牧子, 馬奈木俊介. 2007. 電力産業における規制緩和の効果の検証, 横浜経営研究. 27(3-4) .

arrow 中野牧子, 馬奈木俊介. 2006. ISO14001環境マネジメントシステムとイノベーション, (共著), 環境経営のイノベーション, 天野明弘他編集, 生産性出版.

arrow 中野牧子, 馬奈木俊介. 2006. 環境マネジメントシステムの導入が生産性に与える影響, 環境科学会誌 19(5) 385-395.

arrow 馬奈木俊介. 2006. 3月. 企業の自主的取り組みと市場価値. ガス事業研究会報告書/(社)都市エネルギー協会

arrow 藤井秀道, 金子慎治, 金原達夫, 馬奈木俊介. 2006. CO2排出量を考慮した環境生産性の計測-国内製造業81社の実証分析, 第34回環境システム研究論文集, 175-181.

arrow 藤井秀道, 金子慎治, 馬奈木俊介. 2005. 中国における環境効率改善の計測と評価:工業用水の事例, 第33回環境システム研究論文発表会講演集, 85-90.

arrow How Do We Make Cities More Sustainable?, GROWING CITIES, DIVIDED CITIES? A seminar jointly organised by the British Academy and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Wednesday 27 January 2016, The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH

arrow Climate Impacts of the Growing Transportation Sector and Their Future Prospects in Asia, Transportation and Logistics for the Sustainable Development in Asia, Jointly organized by Jungseok Research Institute of Logistics and Trade, Incheon Logistics Research Society and Asian Development Bank Institute, Venue: Hyatt Regency Incheon, Incheon, Korea, Date: December, 14th and 15th, 2015

arrow Institute for Future Environments (IFS) Distinguished Visitor Lecture, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Climate Policy, 11 September, 2015. QUT, Brisbane.

arrow Noriko Behling, Mark C. Williams, and Shunsuke Managi. 2015. Japan's Hydrogen Society Policy:

arrow Near-Term Prospects, Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Exhibition, 16-19 November 2015 Los Angeles, USA.

arrow Sources of Airline Productivity from Carbon Emissions: An Analysis of Operational Performance under Good and Bad Outputs, Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Singapore, July 2-5, 2015.

arrow Trade Policy Options for Sustainable Oceans and Fisheries, E15 Expert Group on Oceans, Fisheries and the Trade System : Third Expert Group Meeting, May 28-29, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland

arrow "Invited Presentation "Green Innovation and Growth in Asia"", at 4th OECD-AMRO-ADB Asian Regional Roundtable on Mactoeconomic and Structural Policy Challenges, OECD-RIETI Special Session "Green Growth in Asia", Venue: The Westin Tokyo, Friday, May 15, 2015. Hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) / Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)

arrow Second Japan-China (JST-CAS) Workshop on New Environmentally Sustainable Systems for Japan and China. "Environmental Interdisciplinary Project Analsysis: Case Study", April 18th, 2015, Fuji, Japan.

arrow "Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Servise Modeling in Global", Education for Sustainability in Asia, Nanyang Executive Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 02/5-6, 2015.

arrow Designing Market and Innovation Incentives for Climate Change Mitigation, The International Symposium on The Market-oriented Green and Low-carbon Development, Center of Hubei Cooperative Innovation For Emissions Trading System, Organized by Hubei University of Economics, Economic Research Journal, CASS. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, September 12-13, 2014 (Keynote Speech).

arrow Managing waste as a resource: economic and policy perspectives in international domains, "Trade in recyclable waste", Dept. of Economics and Management, Via Voltapaletto 11, Ferrara, Italy (June 23-24 2014).

arrow "Building Effective Agreements in Climate Negotiations toward Sustainable Growth",on the topic of "National and Sub-national Policies and Institutions of Climate Change Mitigations". 7-8 July 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI).

arrow "Sustainability and Interdisciplinary: Data Analysis", China-Japan Interdisciplinary Young Scietists' Academic Salon, 2010, 2012-2014 (June 16-17, Beijing) (Keynote Speech).

arrow Shanghai Forum 2014: Economic Globalization and the Choice of Aisa. "Energy and Climate Policy in Japan", at Policy Club 1: Green Growth: Starategies for Energy Restructueing Revolution, May 24.; also Chair at Session "Global Climate Governnance and Regional Environmental Improvement", May 25, 2014. Shanghai, China.

arrow Energy Policy, Media Representations, and Public Perceptions of Nuclear Power after the Fukushima Disaster, “The impact of Fukushima on the Japan energy sector”. Cardiff University, UK. 19-20 September 2013.

arrow Natural Disaster in Japan: Economy, Energy and Environment, Asia Foundation Lecture Series of Nanyang Technological University, Singapole, 12 September 2013.

arrow Association of Pacific Rim Universities, Keynote Lecture “Social Science Research in Disaster Prevention and Adaptation” International Research Institute for Disaster Science (IRIDes), Tohoku University, July 23, 2013

arrow Bridging Sustainability in Research to Pedagogy: Theory and Practice" Conference, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 19 April 2013.

arrow European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Annual Conference, 2004, 2011, 2013.

arrow Japan after 3.11: Change and Hope from the Center of Triple Disasters, University of Hawaii, March 10, 2013.

arrow Shanghai Forum, Global Energy, China, 2005; Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia: Strategies for 2011-2020, 2012, May 26-28, 2012, Fudan University.

arrow Taiwan Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, Taiwan, 2011 (Keynote Speech).

arrow European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Annual Conference, 2004, 2011.

arrow Asian Meeting of Econometric Society (AMES), The Econometric Society, Korea, 2011.

arrow The North American Association of Fisheries Economists (NAAFE) Forum 2011, USA.

arrow International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) 2002, 2005, 2007, 2011

arrow UNU-IAS Seminar Series on Challenges and Opportunities of Green Innovations, Kanagawa, Japan, June 2011.

arrow ERIA‐IDE‐UNIDO Expert Group Meeting Green Economy, Sustainable Innovation, and Structural Change, Challenges and Opportunities, Jakarta, Indonesia, March, 2011.

arrow Symposium on Development within A Low Carbon World, “Challenges and Opportunities on Green Innovations for Low Carbon Development, Hiroshima University, February, 2011.

arrow ADBI-OECD Roundtable on Innovation for Balanced and Sustainable Growth, 24-26 November 2010, Tokyo, Japan

arrow ZEW Workshop "The Economics of Green IT", The Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, German, 2010.

arrow COP10. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity study (TEEB) - D0 Session at Nagoya, 2010.

arrow Future Prospects and Challenges for the International Energy Market, University of Tokyo, 2010.

arrow Ecobalance International Conference, 2010.

arrow Annual Symposium of Japanese-German Frontiers of Science (JGFoS), Symposium, Sustainability: Challenges for (Social) Sciences, Introductory Speaker, 2008: Program Group Member (2008-2011).

arrow United Nations Division for Sustainable Development, Expert Group Meeting on Green Economy, 2010

arrow The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, 2010.

arrow The Porter Hypothesis at 20, How Can Environmental Regulation Enhance Innovation and Competitiveness?, Montreal, 2010.

arrow 2002, 2006, 2010 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists

arrow Urban Development and the Environment in China, Boston, 2010.

arrow American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), 2005, 2010

arrow Green Korea, Seoul 2010

arrow 2006, 2010 International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)

arrow The 1st Korea-China-Japan Young Researchers Workshop, 2010

arrow The Second Workshop of Asia Resource Circulation Policy Research, 2010

arrow 2009 International Energy Workshop (IEW)

arrow 2006, 2009 Allied Social Science Associations Annual Meeting, American Economic Association (ASSA/AEA).

arrow 2009 International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC)

arrow Workshop on National University of Singapore, 2009

arrow World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), 2009

arrow European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE), 2009

arrow International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) 2004, 2008

arrow Asia Energy Environment Modeling Forum (AEEMF), 2008

arrow Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Kyoto

arrow Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS), 2003-2010

arrow Society of Environmental Science (SES), Japan, 2006-2010

arrow Japan International Seafood & Technology Expo, 2010

arrow Japanese Economic Association (JEA), 2004, 2005, 2007-2010.

arrow Japan Economic Policy Association (JEPA) 2004, 2007, 2010

arrow Environmental Information Science (EIS), 2010

arrow Asia-Pacific Economic Association 2008

arrow Empirical Investigations in Trade and Investment (EITI), 2007

arrow International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18, 2006

arrow International Symposium on Environment, Identities and Mediterranean Area 2006 (ISEIM’2006), France, 2006.

arrow International Workshop Transitions and Globalization: towards an analytical framework in Asia Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 6-7, 2006

arrow Quantified Eco-Efficiency for Sustainability Conference, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 28 - 30 June, 2006.

arrow The potential of CSR to support the implementation of the EU Lisbon Strategy, Milano, Italy, 22-23 June 2006.

arrow Economics of Poverty, Environment and Natural Resource Use, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 17-19 May 2006

arrow Industrial Transformation in Asia Workshop, START, Beijing. China, 2006

arrow Industrial Transformation in Asia Workshop, START, Beijing. China, 2006

arrow American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Boston, USA. 2006

arrow Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (SEEPS), Tokyo Japan, 2005

arrow Environmental Science Association, Nagoya, Japan, 2005

arrow International Society of Industrial Ecology 2005 Conference, Sweden, 2005.

arrow American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Providence, USA 2005

arrow IAEE International Conference, Taipei, 2005

arrow Ninth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Measurement, Brussels, 2005

arrow SERC 2005

arrow Shanghai Forum, Global Energy, China, 2005

arrow Executive Workshop of Biomass Energy and Regional Development/Restoration in Asia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, February 2005.

arrow The Japan Economic Policy Association, 3rd International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, November 2004.

arrow 10th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, Kitakyusyu. Japan. October 2004 (4 papers).

arrow Japanese Economic Association Fall Conference, Tokyo. Japan. September 2004.

arrow Public Economic Theory Peking, China, August, 2004.

arrow Workshop on Sustainability and Survival Paths over 100 Years, Side Event of WREC-8, August, Denver, CO. USA. 2004 .

arrow World Renewable Energy Congress, August ? September, Denver, CO. USA. 2004 (2 papers).

arrow International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) 2004 Japan, Tokyo, July, 2004.

arrow International Society for Ecological Economics Biennial Conference, July, Montreal, Canada 2004.

arrow Third Global Conference on Business and Economics. Amsterdam, Netherlands, July, 2004. (Co-author’s presentation)

arrow Japanese Economic Association Spring Conference, Tokyo. Japan. June 2004.

arrow North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, November, Philadelphia, PA. USA 2003 (2 papers).

arrow Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, October. Atlanta, GA, USA 2003.

arrow International Business & Economics Research Conference, October, Las Vegas, NV, USA 2003.

arrow Southeastern InfORMS Conference, October, Mytle Beach, SC, USA 2003 (2 papers).

arrow Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop, Fifth Annual, September, Ames, IA, USA 2003.

arrow Colorado University Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop, Fifth Annual, July, Boulder, CO, USA 2003.

arrow International Society for Industrial Ecology Second International Conference, June/July, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 2003.

arrow U.S. Society for Ecological Economics Second Biennial Conference, May, Saratoga, NY, USA 2003.

arrow Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition, 22nd Annual Eastern Conference, May, Skytop, PA, USA 2003.

arrow International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Planning & Technology in Relationship to the Environment, Energy and the Environment 2003, May,

arrow Halkidiki, Greece, 2003. (Co-author’s presentation)

arrow World Congress of Environmental & Resource Economists, Monterey, CA, USA June. 2002 (3 papers).

arrow North American Productivity Workshop, Schenectady, NY, USA June. 2002.

arrow U.S. EPA National Center for Environmental Research. NSF Decision, Risk and Management Science Program Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy Workshop, March. 2002, Washington D.C. USA

arrow Institute of Operations Research and Management Science Annual Meeting, Nov. 2001, Miami, FL. USA

arrow Symposium for Environmental Systems Research, June 1998, Osaka, Japan.

arrow Western Japan Association of Civil Engineering Annual Meeting, Kumamoto, Japan, Feb. 1998.

arrow National Environmental Research and Training Institute, Japan, 2004

arrow University College London, 2011.,

arrow National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 2011.,

arrow Kyusyu Sangyo University, Japan, 2011.

arrow University of Hawaii, USA, 2010.

arrow Tohoku University, Japan, 2008, 2009, 2010.

arrow Kyoto University, Japan, 2010.

arrow National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2009

arrow National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2009.

arrow Kyusyu University, Japan, 2009.

arrow Hitotsubashi University, Japan, 2009.

arrow Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, 2008.

arrow Yokohama National University, Japan, 2004.2009,

arrow University of Tokyo, Japan, 2004, 2005, 2010.,

arrow Chuo University, Japan, 2004.,

arrow Keio University, Japan, 2004.,

arrow Nagano University, Japan, 2005.,

arrow Hokkaido University, Japan, 2005.,

arrow Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2005.,

arrow Kobe University, Japan, 2005, 2007, 2009.,

arrow Tokyo University of A&T, Japan, 2003.,

arrow South Carolina State USA 2003.,

arrow University of Arizona, USA 2002.,

arrow University of Florida, USA 2002.,

arrow University of New Mexico, USA 2002.,

arrow University of Rhode Island, USA 2002.,

arrow University of Cambridge, UK. 2002, 2011.,

arrow American Petroleum Institute, USA 2002.,

arrow National Economic Research Associates, USA 2002.

arrow Editor
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,
1 Oct 2010- present

arrow Editorial Board Members
Resource and Energy Economics,
30 September 2006- present

arrow Editorial Board Members
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2006- present

arrow Regional Editor (East-Asia and Pacific)
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2010- present

arrow Editorial Board Members
Journal of Logistics and Sustainable Transport, 2010- present

arrow Regional Editor (East-Asia and Pacific)
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2005-2009

arrow Consulting Editors
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2005-2009

arrow 編集委員, 2007-2011

arrow 編集委員, 2009-

arrow 環境経済・政策学会理事, 2010-2012

arrow 環境科学会幹事, 2008- present

arrowEAERE(European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Japan Country Representatives, 2012 August-

arrow The Review of Economics and Statistics

arrow Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

arrow Journal of Public Economics

arrow Journal of Development Economics

arrow Scandinavian Journal of Economics

arrow American Journal of Agricultural Economics

arrow Environmental and Development Economics

arrow Environmental and Resource Economics

arrow Resource and Energy Economics

arrow Energy Policy

arrow Energy Economics

arrow Applied Economics

arrow Ecological Economics

arrow Transportation Research Part A

arrow Environmental Economics and Policy Studies

arrow Management Research News

arrow Economic Modelling

arrow Journal of Environmental Management

arrow Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan

arrow International Journal of Agricultural Resources Governance and Ecology

arrow International Journal of Global Environmental Issues

arrow Management Research News

arrow Economic Modelling

arrow World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development

arrow 3rd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics

arrow Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan

arrow 環境経済・政策研究

arrow 環境科学会誌

arrow 地球環境研究論文集

arrow 東北大学:環境政策、環境管理(Environmental Management)

arrow 横浜国立大学:環境マネジメント論、環境マネジメント特論、環境&エネルギー

arrow 仏IESEGマネジメントスクール:Financial Aspect of Environmental Responsible Management

arrow 慶應義塾大学: PCP Environmental Economic Policy (2006年~)

arrow 東京農工大学(2003年~2005年):エネルギー・環境経済特論、エネルギー資源論、英語論文講読、化学システム工学特別講義、物質エネルギーシステム特論、化学実験

arrow サウスカロライナ州立大学(2002年~2003年): ミクロ経済学、数量分析・マネジメントサイエンス、マネジリアルエコノミクス

arrow 国際機関 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第3作業部会リードオーサー (代表執筆者)

arrow 科学技術と人類の未来に関する国際フォーラム(STSフォーラム)

arrow 日中韓若手研究者ワークショップ, Co-Chair for Japan, Korea

arrow 環境経済政策学会 (2010-2012) 理事

arrow World Bank, Short Term Consultant, November 23, 2009 to March 31, 2010.

arrow IGES Fellow, 諮問委員, 2008 September- present.

arrow 低炭素社会ロードマップ調査/マクロフレームWG, 環境省, 平成22年度.

arrow (独)科学技術振興機構, 研究開発戦略センター 特任フェロー、平成20年6月-平成22年3月

arrow 日独先端科学(JGFoS)Symposium, Sustainability: Challenges for (Social) Sciences, Introductory Speaker, 平成20年10月31日-2日 (2008), Program Group Member (2008-2009).

arrow 慶應義塾大学経済学部 特別招聘助教授、平成18年4月-平成19年3月

arrow フランスIESEG School of Management, Visiting Professor (客員教授), 2007.4-

arrow 中国東北農業大学客員教授, 2007.03

arrow 環境科学会幹事(平成20年度-)

arrow 将来計画委員会委員(平成20年度)

arrow 低炭素社会研究委員会,環境経営学会,(平成20年度)

arrow 原油価格高騰時代における企業のエネルギー戦略に関する調査、NEDO委託事業2006年5月-2007年3月(代表;安井至)

arrow IGES Fellow, 諮問委員, 2008 September-2010 March.

arrow 朝日アジアフェロー、2007年4月-

arrow 金融調査研究会研究員、全国銀行協会「金融機関におけるCSR活動や環境配慮行動」、平成18年度

arrow 朝日新聞アジアネットワーク客員研究員、平成18年度

arrow ガス事業研究会、(社)都市エネルギー協会、2005年-

arrow エネルギー経済ワークショップ、平成17年度2005年-

arrow アカデミック・アドバイザー、株式会社 高等教育研究所、シニア・エグゼクティブ・ファカルティ、教授、英国国立ウェールズ大学、平成18年度-

arrow Senior Executive Faculty, Professor, The University of Wales, Validated MBA Program at Advanced Studies Institute, Japan

arrow エネルギー利用可能な木質バイオマスに関する最新動向調査評価委員会、みずほ情報総研、平成22年度

arrow 物質フロー指標に関する検討会、環境省, 平成20年度.

arrow 低炭素社会づくり推進事業、CO2削減アクション推進事業、審査員, 環境省, 平成20年度.

arrow 水産資源の経済分析研究プロジェクト, 経済産業研究所, 平成20年度 -.

arrow 容器包装リサイクルフローの透明化等に関する検討会、環境省、平成20年度.

arrow ペットボトルを始めとした容器包装のリユース・デポジット等の循環的な利用に関する研究会、環境省、平成20年度.

arrow バイオマスタウンの効果に関する検討委員会、みずほ情報総研、平成20年度

arrow サステイナブル経営研究委員会、NPO法人環境経営学会/環境格付機構、平成20年度

arrow 低炭素社会(Low-carbon society;LCS)研究プロジェクト部会、平成20年度

arrow E-wasteの国際移動に関する調査、経済産業省、平成18年度

arrow バックキャスティング検討会、経済産業省リサイクル推進課、平成17年度

arrow 杉並区省エネルギー懇談会会長、杉並区環境課、平成17年度-

arrow 杉並区環境清掃審議会、平成17年度-

arrow サステナブル経営格付評価委員、NPO法人環境経営学会/環境格付機構、平成17年度

arrow 第四回みんなで選ぶエコWEB大賞特別審査員、2004

arrow GRI日本フォーラム運営委員 2004年-2006年

arrow 社会的責任投資フォーラム(SIF-J)運営委員2003年-2006年

arrow 環境経営学会環境格付け委員、評価委員2005年-2006年


arrow 河北新報3月11日(金)「中長期ロードマップ推進地域フォーラム in 仙台」


arrow Sankei Express2013年2月21日「北欧に学ぶ―気仙沼の漁業復興:「世界最先端」合理化で小資本淘汰も」

arrow 高知新聞2013年2月24日「漁業復興 北欧に学べ: 衰退一途、改革目指す」 日本経済新聞2012年12月20日「商品市場 漁業浮揚: 市場原理で採算性向上~漁獲枠売買、淘汰を促す~」

arrow Future 第5号, 生態系サービスを経済学的視点で分析 pp. 16-18, 2012. (公開シンポジウムの紹介) 国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センターニュース9月号:インタビュー 温暖化研究のフロントライン, 環境問題を広い分野の知識から総合的な視点でとらえる

arrow 河北新報2011, 3月11日(金)「中長期ロードマップ推進地域フォーラム in 仙台」

arrow 東日本放送「東北ビジネス最前線」「東北復興とエネルギー:スマートで強靭な産業・復興モデル都市をつくるには」2013年2月9日(土) 9時30分~10時15分,再放送日2013年2月17日(日) 25時10分~

arrow 東日本放送「東北ビジネス最前線」「スマートグリッドを活用して、東北の未来を拓く」 2010年6月26日

arrow NHKラジオ第1ニュース番組「NHKジャーナル」出演, 2009年12月18日.

arrow 神奈川産業新聞2008年 3月21日, エコ時代のビジネスチャンス」と「ネットワーク時代の企業成長戦略」を探る, 横浜創発ラウンジ:産学交流会でミニセミナーを開催.

arrow 朝日新聞, 平成19年3月3日朝刊12面「環境税:CO2削減の価値を形に」, 温暖化防止カギを握るアジア, 長期的視野での環境戦略必要, 政治主導で世界に模範を

arrow 朝日新聞, 平成18年11月22日朝刊15面「途上国支援になるCDMを」, 温暖化防止カギを握るアジア, 「CO2排出権」ブーム


arrow TBS-BS. 「日本という国へ」米新政権始動「環境」で再生なるか? 2009.3.8.

arrow TBSテレビ「はなまるマーケット」意外と知らないゴミの行方. 2008.10.29.

arrow 日経エコロジー, 2009. 8. ペットボトルのリユースに課題 店頭での回収率は50%と低迷. arrow 日経エコロジー, 2009. 4.トレンド・アンド・ニュース:3R. ペットボトルのリユース再開.

arrow 日経エコロジー, 2009. 1. 特集 日本の3R政策を問う. リサイクル法再生論: 揺らぐ法制度.

arrow 日経エコロジー, 2008. 11. 特集 容器包装で攻める. ブランド強化: エコ容器を訴求し差別化する.

arrow 朝日新聞, 平成19年夕刊
脱温暖化社会へ1:塩水被害 飲み水や稲作に大打撃 平成19年2月2日

脱温暖化社会へ2:バイオブーム 燃料化、CO2増の恐れ 平成19年2月3日

脱温暖化社会へ3:人口集中 省エネ型都市へ分岐点 平成19年2月5日

脱温暖化社会へ4:産油国 CO2の油田封印狙う 平成19年2月6日

脱温暖化社会へ5:燃料電池車:目指せ 中国版カローラ 平成19年2月7日

脱温暖化社会へ6:エネルギー貧困:牛糞からガス、一石二鳥 平成19年2月8日

arrow 朝日新聞, 平成18年5月19日朝刊1面,4面アジアネットワーク客員研究員紹介&略歴

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『温暖化対策・EU“20%削減”の波紋』出演, 2007年3月12日

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『温暖化対策 世界が動き始めた』出演, 2007年3月22日

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『世界の”食”に異変 「バイオ燃料」ブームの波紋』出演, 2007年11月8日

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『温暖化との戦い③ 発展途上国の温暖化問題』出演, 2007年11月14日

arrow NHK, BS1「WHAT'S ON JAPAN(海外向けの英語のニュース番組)」『Update: COP13 日本は』出演, 2007年12月15日

arrow NHK, BS1「WHAT'S ON JAPAN(海外向けの英語のニュース番組)」『地球温暖化対策、日本の行方』出演, 2008年4月6日

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『穀物価格高騰とバイオ燃料』出演,  2008年4月21日

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『気候変動最前線・“2050年までに半減”達成のカギは』出演,  2008年5月29日

arrow NHK, BS1「きょうの世界」特集『2010年世界はどう動く』出演, 2010年1月6日

arrow NHK, BS1「Newstile Summit Edition(海外向けの英語のニュース番組)」『温暖化G8サミット』出演, 2008年7月9日

arrow NHK, BS1「Newstile Summit Edition(海外向けの英語のニュース番組)」『温暖化全体会合』出演, 2008年7月9日

arrow 鎌倉エフエム,シーサイド・カフェ828 エココーナー出演, 2006.1.18,

arrow 慶應義塾大学経済学部 特別招聘助教授、平成18年4月-平成19年3月

arrow フランスIESEG School of Management, Visiting Professor (客員教授), 2007.4-

arrow 中国東北農業大学客員教授, 2007.03

arrow 朝日アジアフェロー、2007年4月-

arrow 金融調査研究会研究員、全国銀行協会「金融機関におけるCSR活動や環境配慮行動」、平成18年度

arrow 朝日新聞アジアネットワーク客員研究員、平成18年度

arrow ガス事業研究会、(社)都市エネルギー協会、2005年-

arrow エネルギー経済ワークショップ、平成17年度2005年-

arrow 原油価格高騰時代における企業のエネルギー戦略に関する調査、NEDO委託事業

arrow E-wasteの国際移動に関する調査、経済産業省、平成18年度

arrow バックキャスティング検討会、経済産業省リサイクル推進課、平成17年度

arrow 杉並区省エネルギー懇談会、平成17年度-

arrow 杉並区環境清掃審議会、平成17年度-

arrow サステナブル経営格付評価委員、NPO法人環境経営学会/環境格付機構、平成17年度

arrow GRI日本フォーラム運営委員 2004年-2006年

arrow 社会的責任投資フォーラム(SIF-J)運営委員2003年-2006年

arrow 環境経営学会環境格付け委員、評価委員2005年-006年

arrow 2020年第16回(令和元年度)日本学術振興会賞受賞

arrow 2012年環境経済・政策学会学術賞

arrow 2011年環境科学会奨励賞 (表彰課題:持続可能な発展のための経済分析手法の提案と実証)

arrow 2010年環境科学会優秀研究企画賞(富士電機賞)

arrow 2009年環境経済・政策学会奨励賞

arrow 2009年日本計画行政学会奨励賞

arrow 2009年環境科学会富士電機賞

arrow 2008 Best Paper Award, GABER.

arrow 2007年社団法人環境科学会論文賞「環境マネジメントシステムの導入が生産性に与える影響」

arrow Who's Who in the World.(Marquis,2006-)に掲載。

arrow 学生の受賞:横浜国立大学経営学会賞(2006年度 川尻 裕啓, 2007年度 八木迪幸, 2008年度 久保田裕一, 2009年度 八木迪幸, 岩田愛美, 手塚大介)
